We had a fun filled week full of Christmas activities...and lots of family time!
On Christmas Eve at 3:00 is when our festivities started...we headed to church as our little family. This was unusual for us, for as long as I can remember we've gone to church with my parents on Christmas Eve, but this year it didn't work out to do that. We had our first family gathering at 6:00pm, so we decided to go to the early service. It was a beautiful service...
We had a little time in between church and our party, so we came home to have a snack and pack the car...

and we made it to our first party right on time...Mark's immediate family...Isaiah had TONS of fun at this party because his cousin Dakota who is 3 (who you've seen in other posts) was there...and he's a wild and crazy boy just like Isaiah...they were having so much fun running around the house playing together. There were lots of presents to open...Levi opened his first Christmas present ever.

The 4 girls of the family got matching pink hooded sweatshirts...

We ended up staying out pretty late (for Isaiah anyway) and so it was a little rough getting Isaiah to sleep, he was so overly tired, but we did it...

and then Mark and I got to bring out Isaiah's train table...the present I've been waiting to give him for months now! This table my dad and I made together (he did most of it!). I bought Isaiah some wooden train track and trains off Craig's List, mostly the real Thomas stuff!! and we set it all out on the table ready to surprise Isaiah.

Christmas morning came and Mark and I woke up before Isaiah and Levi (well, kind of, if you don't count the 3 or 4 times they had us up in the night!) and we had trouble waiting for them to open presents! Finally Isaiah woke up (at like 8:15) and we showed him his table...he thought it was pretty neat!

Uncle Matthew stayed over so we all got to exchange gifts and watch Isaiah open his gifts from Great Grandma Mary and Grandma Michele (who live in Florida)...

We then made muffins and got ready to head over to my parents house for Christmas with my mom, dad, sister, her husband, their daughter Liahna, Great Grandma Carol and Great Aunt Sharon. We had another fun time there...eating yummy food (ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, etc) and enjoying our family. Great Grandma Carol enjoyed holding little Levi for at least an hour, she rocked him to sleep and held him while he napped.

Of course there were more presents to be opened!
Isaiah, Levi and Liahna got Grandma and Grandpa a Garden Stone that says We (heart) grandpa & grandma and 3 little hearts that have their names on it...

It was nice to see everyone...

and Liahna is getting so big! We ended the night playing Wii--mom, dad, Matthew, Mark, and me. The day was over, we had a great time...

and here is Levi in his favorite thing ever...the rainforest jumperoo that my wonderful friend Shannon let us borrow... Thank you Shannon!!!