Throughout this season I have been reminded of how blessed our family is and how lucky we are! We have each other, we are healthy, we are full, we are warm, and we are loved - loved by family and friends, but most importantly loved by our Savior. We have enjoyed celebrating His birth these past weeks!
I'll begin to show you what we've been doing, but I must say, I've got a brand new Whirley Pop waiting for me and a bed that's calling my name (man it's rough working 2 days a week! HA HA) so I may not get through our entire BUSY family filled weekend.
We woke up Christmas Eve and realized we had a lot to do! We had cookies, cake and salads to make, presents to wrap, a car to be packed and much more! Isaiah, Levi, and I started with the cookies - of course we wanted to bring a sweet treat to all of our parties, but we also needed some cookies to leave out for Santa! When visiting Santa at the mall, he informed us that chocolate chip were his favorite, so of course that's what we needed to make... (but daddy's favorite desserts include peanutbutter - so we, well, I, decided to make double peanutbutter chocolate chip!! YUM!).
My boys looked so sweet. 
They were so impressed with the carolers who were singing in the lobby. Of course Levi started dancing to the music! :) You may notice the stickers on the kids' backs - those are for the nursery. We've decided to utilize the nursery/Sunday School program that our church offers for our boys. It lets Mark and I focus while in church and gives them the opportunity to learn about our Faith in an environment set up for them. We debated on taking Isaiah with us for Christmas Eve service, but decided not to.
After church, we went to the ER to have the staples removed. Surprisingly this was a breeze! Levi was happy-go-lucky the entire visit this time and was patient while the nurse removed them. Now we just hope his cut heals without infection!
Next we were off to Mark's dads house to celebrate with his family. We knew this would be an exciting time with five crazy brothers and four crazy grandkids, how could it not be? :)
Isaiah and Dakota turned into 'bears' and growled around...when someone asked Isaiah what kind of bear he was, he said he was a polar bear. :)
daddy and grandpa decided to join in the fun, by this time, I think it was just wrestling and the bears were gone.
Later on, it was time for presents! Isaiah and Dakota waited so patiently for everyone to get their gifts before we started opening.
Ready, go.
Somehow I made it in a picture! So I figured I'd better post it! :)
Isaiah and Dakota thought they were pretty cool in their new Sponge Bob sweatshirts! What is it with kids and Sponge Bob? We don't get to watch him at our house. If Isaiah sees him on TV he knows we don't get to watch it, and he'll say, "he's naughty." ha ha. But for some reason, he still thinks he's great. I don't get it! :)
We gave Mark's dad a UNI sweatshirt, they match!
Both Isaiah and Dakota (well, really Isaiah & Levi and Dakota & Khia) each got a new kitchen set from Grandpa and Grandma. Here are the dad's behind each set - why I got a picture of the dads instead of the kids with the kitchens is beyond me! I guess all I can say is, it was getting late.
Levi climbed up in the chair and just sat. He was all done partying for the day...and so were we, shortly after this picture we put on jammies and packed up to go home.
And before we went to bed, Isaiah made sure to set out a glass of milk to go with the cookies we made for Santa...
Well, I am going to stop here... but stay tuned, I'll post about our Christmas Day soon!

Isaiah and Dakota turned into 'bears' and growled around...when someone asked Isaiah what kind of bear he was, he said he was a polar bear. :)