Thursday, March 26, 2009
he's getting so big!
Levi is now 7 months old, 7 1/2 really, where did the time go? He is changing every day! He can go from sitting up to his hands and knees, he scoots when he's on his tummy, he reaches out for things--even if it is out of his reach, he'll move positions to get to it, and so much more! Just last night he started to pull himself up onto his knees with the help of this big toy that we have. See!!

He'll even stand up by himself if he's holding on to it!
oatmeal fun!
My mom made supper for us tonight--Thanks mom! Mark, my mom, Isaiah, Levi and I all sat down to eat-everyone was served, including Levi. We all started to eat and then I looked over to give Levi a bite (like 2 minutes after we sat down) and look what I found...
Levi had tipped over his bowl of oatmeal and was playing in it. It was all over his tray, his hands, and onesie!! He was smiling away having a good time! It was really cute...He played in it for the rest of our fun.

Here's a sweet picture of what was going on before we ate:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Isaiah has always enjoyed watching things on the computer--remember his daddy got him addicted to You Tube at a very young age! (which, by the way, he's moved on from the Chipmunks completely and prefers to watch Go Fish Guys, The Gummy Bear Song, or Spiderman). My good friend Shannon introduced us to the Sesame Street website when we went on our family trip to Des Moines which he completely loves! They have all kinds of toddler games and songs! We've also been logging onto the Fisher-Price to play their games.
The past week or so he's really gotten interested in being the one in control rather than watch me use the mouse...and I can't believe how good he is at using the mouse already!! Here's a little clip of him controlling the mouse to make some Halloween characters (which is his favorite game on the Sesame Street website). He can do it so well, the only thing he has trouble with is controlling his fingers enough to press the left button only, lots of times he'll accidentally press the left and right buttons at the same time...I'm impressed!
The past week or so he's really gotten interested in being the one in control rather than watch me use the mouse...and I can't believe how good he is at using the mouse already!! Here's a little clip of him controlling the mouse to make some Halloween characters (which is his favorite game on the Sesame Street website). He can do it so well, the only thing he has trouble with is controlling his fingers enough to press the left button only, lots of times he'll accidentally press the left and right buttons at the same time...I'm impressed!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Binky Baby.
Levi loves his binky. I mean, LOVES his binky. Since he was born he's loved it. There have been moments that he wants nothing to do with anything but his binky... so in those moments you give him his binky and life is perfect in his eyes...these moments generally come when he is ready for some sleep...or when he's been very active and needs a break.

Although he loves it, we do try to keep it away from him unless he is really tired or hungry.
This is a new adventure for us because his big brother was completely different, only on a very rare occasion would he want a binky...
I'm anxious to see how much he wants his binky as he gets older...I have a feeling he may be like his Aunt Nikki and use a binky until he is 4 or 5... :)

This is a new adventure for us because his big brother was completely different, only on a very rare occasion would he want a binky...
I'm anxious to see how much he wants his binky as he gets older...I have a feeling he may be like his Aunt Nikki and use a binky until he is 4 or 5... :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
it feels like SUMMER!
On Tuesday the weather was BEAUTIFUL...the kids were happy...and Mark was home on Spring Break... and man did it feel like summer!! What a great feeling!
We spent most of the day outside, but first I changed the two year olds into SHORTS!
Isaiah's little sandbox that we keep on the deck was left open one day and it filled up with snow and ice...which the kids had a fun idea to get in it... I figured, what the heck, so take a look:

After the babies woke up, we decided to go for a walk. It was absolutely gorgeous--I said to Mark like 3 times (okay really probably 15) that you couldn't ask for more perfect weather.
We spent most of the day outside, but first I changed the two year olds into SHORTS!
Isaiah's little sandbox that we keep on the deck was left open one day and it filled up with snow and ice...which the kids had a fun idea to get in it... I figured, what the heck, so take a look:

we put the babies in the stroller...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
mommy and daddy
Isaiah has called Mark and me dada and mama since the days he started to babble and talk...along with a few others, they were his first words...the sound of him calling me mama is so sweet to me...and hearing him look up to Mark and call him dada is so precious...
these last few days...we haven't been mama and dada anymore...we've turned into mommy and daddy. don't get me wrong, they are just as sweet, but it's another sign, another step, Isaiah is growing older every day... and boy, I wish he'd slow down.
these last few days...we haven't been mama and dada anymore...we've turned into mommy and daddy. don't get me wrong, they are just as sweet, but it's another sign, another step, Isaiah is growing older every day... and boy, I wish he'd slow down.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St Patrick's Day!
I've been wanting to make a fun collage for Levi like I did for my little's the many faces of Levi on his first St Patrick's Day--He didn't forget to wear green! :)
I hope to make more...that are a little more fun and creative....anyone have any photoshop tips??

Let's play baseball!
Isaiah loves sports. You name the sport, he'll want to give it a try! And the crazy thing is, he is pretty good at a lot of them!! Basketball, football, baseball... As I'm sure you've guessed, his daddy is pretty excited that he's a sports lover! Last summer/fall they spent hours outside playing basketball with daddy's hoop and Isaiah's hoop... all winter long we've played catch inside with footballs, baseballs, any kind of ball.... and now it's nice outside again and Isaiah has gotten really excited about BASEBALL!
Friday, March 13, 2009
playing in the water...
Isaiah loves to play in the water...some of his favorite things include water--standing on a chair up at the sink playing in the running water, splashing in the bathtub (including the baby bathtub still:) ), and jumping in the puddles outside. His water play almost always results in a big mess to clean up--so he doesn't always get to play in the water when he wants to--but I try to let him as often as I'm up for a wet mess!
Isaiah also likes to find my hand soap (especially my stash of unused Bath and Bodyworks handsoaps) and open them and get lots of soap all over his hands---I think he knows this means that he will get to play in the water!
Isaiah also likes to find my hand soap (especially my stash of unused Bath and Bodyworks handsoaps) and open them and get lots of soap all over his hands---I think he knows this means that he will get to play in the water!
Here he is with soap in his hands...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
how do you sleep?
Sleeping babies are the most precious boys both look so sweet and peaceful when they sleep...I always wonder if they dream...Each of my boys also have a specific way that they sleep...
Isaiah sleeps with his arms bent with his hands behind his head...he always has...

Really, Levi just likes to have his arms spread out most of the time :)

Isaiah sleeps with his arms bent with his hands behind his head...he always has...
Isaiah 4 months old...
Isaiah 7 months old...
Levi sleeps with his arms way out-taking up lots of room (in our bed!)...he has since he was born...

Friday, March 6, 2009
My sister came up on Thursday night...and stayed the night at our house! She went out with my dad to a concert while Mark and I watched Liahna! We were the first people to watch her (other than daycare)!! She was a good little girl...we played a little, Isaiah thought she'd really be able to play, but was mistaken, ha ha, and before we knew it, it was time for her to go to bed! I was able to get her to sleep by about 8:30...and she slept until her mommy got back!
We let her try out the jumper...she didn't quite bounce by herself, but had fun when we bounced it for her.
Then we got to spend the next day with them too!! How fun is it that the cousins got to play! :)
We tried to get a good picture of the cousins all together, but...well, getting 3 little ones to be happy all at the same time just isn't easy. Here are a few of our attempts:

On Friday morning, we went for a walk--Liahna's first walk outside ever! What a gorgeous day! My dad took all the pictures so check back-maybe I'll get one posted!
Thanks for coming Aunt Nikki and Liahna!
We let her try out the jumper...she didn't quite bounce by herself, but had fun when we bounced it for her.

We tried to get a good picture of the cousins all together, but...well, getting 3 little ones to be happy all at the same time just isn't easy. Here are a few of our attempts:

Thanks for coming Aunt Nikki and Liahna!
my little superman.
Isaiah loves to wear his superman shirt that his Uncle Colten gave him for Christmas last year...It is a cute little shirt with Velcro cape that goes on the back. He wears it around and pretends to be superman and sometimes pretends to fly... This past couple weeks he has really wanted to wear every day... so... with inspiration from Sarah's post, I created this...
(click on it to view larger)
Isaiah has this book that his daddy picked out for him a month or so ago...he likes to read it--especially the page below...and that page was where Isaiah got the idea for some of the funny faces he made in these pictures!

Isaiah has this book that his daddy picked out for him a month or so ago...he likes to read it--especially the page below...and that page was where Isaiah got the idea for some of the funny faces he made in these pictures!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
For today's activity I decided to have Jayda and Isaiah make a card for someone-whoever they wanted. Isaiah decided he wanted to make his for Kammy, and Jayda hasn't decided who her's is for yet :). I gave each of the kids a folded over piece of construction paper, a bunch of small strips of paper and put several lines of glue on the paper. I let them decide how they wanted to do it...and here's what we came up with!
and the sweet message he had me write for her (I'm not sure why he had his ABC's on his mind, but he said random letters throughout her letter--and I taught him fee fi fo fum a few weeks ago and he thinks it's really funny to say).
After Isaiah was done with his first card he decided he wanted to make a second one--for dada.
He wrote him a sweet note too (again, the ABC's were on his mind).
And here's Jayda's beautiful card...
We had lots of fun with this, maybe we'll make more ??? Maybe you'll get one??? :)
Isaiah's card for Kammy.

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