Levi turned 9 months old last week...
I just can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday he was born.
Now he:
- loves to clap. He will start clapping when anyone else starts clapping -- even if they aren't looking at him...and he'll just start clapping here and there when he feels like it.
- is almost always happy and content. He is so smiley and even giggles at things he thinks is funny.
- likes his baby food and "real" food. He's tried lots of different baby foods-mostly homemade-including apples, pears, bananas, blueberries, prunes, cherries, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, carrots, squash, rice cereal, oatmeal, oatmeal with fruit, and baby stars. He's also had some table food including: bread, blueberry waffle, rice, banana, kiwi...seems like more, but I'm not sure.
- continues to be a mama's baby especially at night...He usually will sleep in his crib until 2am and then insist to finish the night in mommy and daddy's bed--and gets up at least one (or two) more times to eat.
- crawls like a big boy! He is FAST. He is all over the place and into everything! He using rolling as a way to get places too. He will start sitting up and will make it to his tummy and the roll to his back and then back up to crawling. He's good!
- Stands up to things by himself. If you leave him sitting somewhere, more than likely you will find him standing up on something when you come back. He can stand up by himself for just a second.
- walks behind toys. We have a large dump truck inside that he can push around, and several outside toys that he pushes too.
- loves hands. He could stare at his own hands or someone elses hands for several minutes at a time. He thinks it is hilarious to watch someone open and close their hands...and sometimes he will pull his head into your open hand--silly boy.
- is very noisy! He makes lots of different sounds--his first sound was da da, but now also makes ga, va, ba ah (no ma ma yet :) ). He also makes ooooooooowwwoooooooo sound kind of like singing. He will repeat you if you make this sound. He also likes to use his tongue and lips to make a horse like sound :) ha ha that's the only way I can describe it. He also likes to yell for attention or just because.
and this weekend he sat up in the cart for the very first time at Lowes. He loves to look around and he was so happy when we put him out to see. Until then, he was stuck in his carseat in the big basket part of the cart anywhere we went. (he has, however, been sitting up like this in the stroller for quite some time!)
What a wonderful boy! We are so blessed to have him in our lives!