Kammy loves to make people happy; she is such a giving person.

Every year she hosts an Easter Egg hunt for the kids in her life. She hides LOTS and LOTS of eggs to make it tons of fun for all of the kids.
We had fun again this year searching for eggs. Levi found several eggs (maybe 10 or 15)...

and then couldn't resist the park that was on the other side of the field.

Isaiah, however, found so many eggs (I'd guess maybe 65!). He filled his Easter basket (the really cool McQueen basket Grandma Michele sent last year!!), Levi's bucket and Mark's shirt!

Towards the end of the hunt, Isaiah found a few more eggs that were hiding by some very big rocks. Isaiah climbed up on one of the huge rocks and fell backwards off the rock and hit his head on another big rock! He instantly started screaming and crying. Ouch! His head was bleeding a little bit and he had several bumps on his head.
We got him calmed down fairly quickly and distracted him by opening his eggs. He found LOTS of candy! Kammy told Isaiah that her favorite was the peanutbutter cups, so when we he opened his eggs and found peanutbutter cups he gave them to Kammy. "For me!!" she said.

Thank you!!

Mark checked out his head some more...

and we decided we'd better be safe and take him in. We left the hunt and went to urgent care, but they were closed (this was on Easter Sunday). So we headed to the ER.

Isaiah was so brave. After the doctor examined him, his cuts and bumps and decided that he was okay. Thank goodness! What a relief!
So there was Isaiah's first (and hopefully last!) trip to the ER.
Thank you Kammy for hosting such a fun Easter egg hunt! You are wonderful!