I've decided that the little holidays of the year are lots of fun with little kids...I know that they all have some kind of age old story that make them what they are and some aren't the most positive or great story -- but I don't know the stories and don't really care what they are. It's just fun to get out of the normal routine for a day and celebrate something fun - like loving each other and showing them that we do...
A few days before Valentine's Day a package showed up from Florida! The boys love, love, love getting these packages and were super excited to find some candy and more VCR tapes and awesome books with 3D glasses! We also loved the cute little dinosaur slippers! Thank you Grandma Michele!! Then the few days before Valentine's Isaiah went and picked out his Valentine's day cards for his classmates -- he was all set to get Transformers but then when he saw the dinosaur ones that change from the dinosaur to the fossils he changed his mind. He did a great job writing all of his friends' names and his own name on each one! We then attached a heart shaped sucker that he picked out for each friend.

I did send a few Valentine's out from the boys...but only a few so if you didn't get one, here's one for you!
Mark went to Isaiah's class Valentine's Day party on Valentine's Day. They had lots of fun and Isaiah even made me a sweet little heart valentine...I love it! :) I encouraged Isaiah to wear red to his party, but he really didn't want to so the closest he would do is this orangey colored shirt -- are we beginning to be defiant already?? ahhhh!
Isaiah was excited to come home and check out all the Valentine's he received from his friends. My favorite was the one that said "orange you glad it's Valentine's Day" attached to an orange :). We celebrated as a family with an early dinner pizza party with a heart shaped pizza. This tradition goes back to 1998 when Mark and I met and had our first date with my parents - a heart shaped pizza at Happy Joes. We did visit my parents and then off to watch daddy play his basketball game at church.
Mark brought me home a beautiful rose after his game, what a sweet surprise!
It was a nice day with a very simple but fun celebration!