We spent another Memorial Day weekend at Adventureland this year! We all love it there and also love the military discount they offer for Memorial Day weekend! We drove down Sunday and spent the day with some good friends in Newton for the night. The trip down was a bit crazy, but Levi drew his first real picture of our family :) The kids had lots of fun playing with Anna, Benjamin and Emily. Getting the kids to sleep ended up being much harder than I was hoping, but it all worked out and I think we learned better for next year!
We arrived at Adventureland before the gates opened (a requirement of Mark's) and took our annual family photo right by the gate. We met Bernie the mascot right inside the door and the fun of the rides began right away! First stop - the Frog Hopper!
Our friends LeAnna and Caiden met us down there too so we had quite the crew - 7 kids 5 and under :) I wish I would have gotten a picture of all of them together, oops! It was a beautiful day, sunny and nice and warm! The boys loved going on so many rides and like years past, they got to ride them over and over again. We did stop for lunch and to watch Bixby and Friends - Isaiah was excited to get another autographed poster from Bixby (which now hangs on his closet door)!

We also took an afternoon break to watch the circus - I don't think we've ever taken the time to watch this show at Adventureland, but it was really good and a nice break. Then it was time for some of the water rides - I think we had the most fun on these rides this year! We went down the big slide several times in a row with a different parent taking turns sitting out with Titus. We also did the log ride over and over again. This one was my favorite - and probably the kids' too. Isaiah, Levi and I went on it together first - Isaiah in front all by himself and Levi with me in the back - the look on Isaiah's face was priceless after we went over the huge hill. Eventually Levi got to be alone in the front and loved it too. What fun!!

Shannon, Dan and their kids went home for an afternoon nap, but we caught back up with them in the afternoon for some more fun! And our day at Adventureland would not be complete without a stop at the train station for whatever (within reason) piece of candy each of us could pick and then a train ride.
I love, love, love fun family days like this! The boys have been asking when we get to go back ever since. We all cannot wait until next Memorial Day to go again!!