We woke up Christmas morning to THREE extremely excited boys and one sleeping baby :) Mark has the excitement of a child which is such an amazing quality! The boys were overwhelmed with excitement when they found that Santa had left a few packages for each of them under our tree. Levi was given a Rev 'N Go car set and Isaiah a few more Switch 'N Go Dinos.
After the excitement of the Santa gifts the boys got to open the 3 gifts from Mark and I. We give them 3 gifts like the 3 gifts that Jesus received in the Bible. The first gift is something we know the boys will really enjoy (like Gold) - Levi got a dream lite which he wanted and wanted (thanks to the Qubo channel commercials -- and he does absolutely loves it!), Isaiah got an old school machine battle game. The second was something to keep them warm (like Myrrh) they each got a new Panther's jersey and the third was something spiritual (like frankincense) they each got a Bible Man DVD.
Santa also left Mark and I sweet treat - Mark a humongous Reeses peanut butter cup and for me a dark chocolate orange (a tradition my dad started years ago that I've decided to keep for myself :)
As we were getting done with gifts the baby decided to wake up so he got some time to open his all on his own :) He got a giraffee ball popper from Santa/us and some more fun toys from Grandma Michele and Great Grandma Mary.
And then of course I made them pose for a group picture in their Christmas Pj's.

And then we hung out a little bit more - the boys piled on me while Levi played his new tablet which he loves. (This chair looks like the picture below for a good hour a day most days with either Mark or I sitting in the chair with our boys squished in on top of us - we might be reading stories, playing on the tablet, chatting about the day or watching a little TV- I think this is one of those things that we will miss the most about these little days).
After some at home time, it was time to head to Grandpa and Grandma's to spend the day with more family! The boys love, love, love time at Grandpa and Grandma's especially when the cousins are there! My sisters girls each got a tablet for Christmas too so it was a tablet day for the kids -- good thing Elise was too little to really play with hers so there was one for Isaiah to use too. We did manage to play a few rounds of the card game golf while the babies took turns in our arms or Titus and Elise sharing the walker.
At one point Isaiah and Liahna talked Grandpa into taking them outside to play for a while in the snow. They had fun together and the rest of us stayed warm but watched from the window :).

It was a great way to celebrate together as a family!