So there is a lot of boy around this house. My boys are completely into all things boy - transformers, super heros, cars, trucks, monster trucks, dinosaurs, Power Rangers, digging, racing, wrestling, basketball, football, etc, etc, etc (not that many of these things could be for girls too, but you know.) Most of this stuff is new to me - I'm learning about the Red Ranger and Batman and Ironman, what a backhoe is and so much more - so when there was what I consider a girly craft (or at least a craft I remember loving as a kid) that was made into a boy craft in the clearance section at Target, I snagged it up! I'm not sure what they are called, but the little beads that you put on the little shapes and then iron together. This set came with instructions on how to make race cars. I don't think Mark had ever done these as he was a bit confused to come home to us making these, but I must say I think he enjoyed himself. haha. The boys seemed to enjoy it, but it was a little slow moving for them. The funniest part about the activity was when I got the iron out, Levi looks at me and says, "We have an iron!?!?!?" That's how often we iron around here - I'm pretty sure it hadn't been used since the last drill weekend in 2009. :)

So my girl project was pretty much a success. However, I think the boys still prefer their "boy stuff" and would much rather do that instead.