pumpkin farm...or should I say big jumping toy place
Our little family had a beautiful afternoon together celebrating the autumn season at the Heartland Farms Pumpkin Farm. We all had a great time! The weather was great--warm and a little breezy--and there was lots to see and do! We got to the farm and were pleasantly surprised that children 2 and under were free so that was a good sign to a good time! :) We walked in and Isaiah's eyes went wide and he saw this was his idea of a GREAT time! The first thing he noticed was the HUGE spiderman jumping toy...but it was so crowded and full that we were able to direct his attention to the animals. Isaiah LOVES animals. He looked that the chickens, ducks, goats, ponies, and turkeys and thought they were really neat, but wanted to go back to the big jumpy thing. So we did, and this time it wasn't full and he was able to get in. He jumped and jumped and jumped and jumped in there until he finally came out. So we tried to divert his attention again...this time we went through the scary corn maze. He loved running from scary area to scary area. He had no idea what the things inside meant (which was good)! And then it was time to go back to the big jumpy thing...this time he took off his own shoes and ran to the big jumpy thing and cut a whole line of kids and jumped right in...so we let him jump and jump and jump some more... finally we were able to get him to come out and pay attention to the pumpkins long enough to find the slides. He went down the slide a few more times and then tried to take his shoes off to go back to the jumpy thing... but we caught him to go watch the punkinator (or something like that) shoot pumpkins at an old school bus. He thought that was okay...but was ready for the jumpy thing again. Finally we picked out 2 pumpkins and headed home...with a very tired Isaiah wanting to go back to the big jumpy thing! Levi, on the other hand, was quite content just hanging out people watching. Needless to say, the pumpkin farm was a big hit!
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