With the weather being colder and the days getting darker, it seems like we've had to be a little more creative in the last few weeks in ways to have fun! Luckily for me, my kids and Jayda and Jonah are good helpers with this!
One of the funniest things we have been doing around here is using the hamper as a toy. Isaiah likes to "hide" in it. Often times he will disappear and I will find him hiding in it waiting for me to find him! :) He's also used it as his kitchen to make me lunch. He likes to get in it and ask me, "what do you want for lunch mommy?" Our dinosaurs also like to ROAR at him in it, that's Levi's favorite part -- check out the second picture below. Oh what fun we can have with things that aren't toys -- it seems like more fun than we have with actual toys!

We got the go-kart out again this week, both boys have fun making it go!

At my mom's school the kindergarden teach retired and a new teach took over this year. She cleaned out the kindergarden room and gave away some things she didn't need for the classroom. This worked for us because we were able to get some fun things for free from this! Both Isaiah and Jayda have really enjoyed these boards - they figured them out right away! I thought maybe they would be too little for them, but they will sit for a good 15 minutes or more playing with them. Check out the triangle Isaiah made in the second picture - I was pretty impressed with it - he made it in the first few minutes without me showing him...

One day it was nice enough to walk to the park. Isaiah and Jayda didn't feel like walking so I decided to let them ride in the wagon...I was probably a funny site on the way to the park - pushing the double stroller AND pulling the wagon. HA HA. It was a little tough getting up the hill, but we made it! and it was so worth it. The weather was beautiful and we had lots of fun at the park!

Isaiah's been having fun wearing Caiden's Cars jammies - Thanks Caiden for loaning us your clothes! Caiden is Isaiah's birthday buddy - the exact same age - and Isaiah can wear his hand me downs... my little Isaiah! :)

Isaiah was pretty happy about the pudding he made tonight - he basically made it all by himself! I suppose it isn't that hard, is it?! :) Notice the hamper is being used again in this picture! can we say dangerous?!

We've started building lots of towers around here again. It seems like for the past several months, blocks were just not our thing...but they are back!

Baths are turning into a fun activity for the boys to do together. They love to be in the tub together - Isaiah will ask for Levi if he's not there, and Levi will even ask for Isaiah if he's not there. One day Levi decided to get in the bath with his clothes on one day - I'm not sure why I hadn't drained the water, but I hadn't, and he thought it was hilarious!

After the bath, the boys like to run around in their hooded towels. Isaiah always shouts, "Super boy!" or he'll say, "I am ready to be super boy now, mommy."

Playing with silly daddy. Isn't this picture adorable!?

So there you have it, our last few weeks in pictures!
If you need a good laugh, or something fun to do - come on over and have some fun with us! :) We'd love the company!
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