I'd been wanting to buy Isaiah some nice "big boy" bedding for his bed since we switched him to his new bed, but couldn't decide on what to get him and didn't want to buy it until he was accident free at night (for the most part). It's been a LONG time (knock on wood) since he's had an accident at night, so I felt like he was ready.
Finding little boy bedding for a queen size bed is not an easy thing to do, but I found this dinosaur bedding that I liked before Christmas. I looked it up again this week and showed it to Mark, he liked it too, so I showed it to Isaiah and he liked it too!! So we were in luck! It was also $30 cheaper than it was at Christmas time!! So we ordered it on Wednesday and it arrived in the mail on Saturday!
They are so cute! I love it, and so does he!He wouldn't pose for a picture with the made bed...he kept pretending to sleep in it.!
But Levi posed...(yes, he has another cut on his face, I'm telling you this kid has bad luck! At least there was no ER visit this time!)
Here he is really sleeping in it for the first time. Doesn't he look so little and sweet?
Thank you Aunt Kelly!!
1 comment:
Love it!!! I like that bright blue color...maybe that and one of the greens for the walls? He looks so cozy with the bed all made up like that:)
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