Dinosaurs have become a big deal at our house. Both boys like to play with the dinosaur toys we have and look so cute when they say, "ROOOOAARRRRRRRRRRR"
We've had a few rearranging projects going on at our house and Isaiah's "birthday box" happened to land in the living room. This birthday box had several toys that he was given for his birthday that we have yet to open... he received so many nice things that we decided to open them a few at a time. Isaiah curiously looked in the birthday box and found a set of little dinosaurs and asked so nicely if he could open them. We hadn't gotten anything new out lately so I said, "sure." They are perfect for him. He's now able to sit calmly and play with little things like this. Look at how cute he is with them...

We've also started going on dinosaur hunts at our house. First we gather all the dinosaurs that we can find and then I send Isaiah into the other room with the door shut while I hide them. Then when I'm done hiding them, he comes out and is on a hunt to find them. I am now able to hide them in pretty tricky spots and he'll find them. Levi likes to stay in the room with me while I hide them, so sometimes he'll show Isaiah where they are :) So I thought maybe you'd like to play with us...here's your hunt, find the dinosaurs...

fun, huh? You'll have to stop over and play with us sometime!
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