Isaiah is in this really silly phase right now where he likes to call people doodie. He uses the word as a term of endearment similar to how some people say honey or sweetie. When a friend comes over he will often say, "hi Carson doodie" or "hey doodie!" He also uses the word in conversations like "you are funny mommy doodie" or "let's go play trucks doodie." This has been going on for at least 2 or 3 weeks -- probably longer. He probably says it at least 30 times a day! :) I'm not sure where he picked it up, but it's funny.
The other night at bedtime I asked Isaiah to say a prayer for us. Here is what he said, "Dear Jesus, I love you Jesus doodie. Thank you. Amen Jesus doodie." It was pretty cute; just hearing what he said it might sound a bit disrespectful, but knowing how he uses the word and what it means to him, it was actually really sweet.
So if you come around our house anytime soon, you may hear Isaiah call you doodie - don't be offended, he's just telling you he loves you! :)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
why I love garage sales
So I love to go to garage sales. I love finding fun toys and cute clothes for cheap prices! Of course I've been to lots of sales already this spring, and I hope to go to many more! Last weekend my mom, the boys, and I went to a few sales and we found something really GREAT -- a Cranium Super Fort set! It was only $4! My mom bought it for the boys -- Thank you Mom! I got it home and showed Mark, I told them there was a second set at the sale and he said "GO GET IT!" :) So I did...
They were even in the original boxes!
Here we are getting it out...
They were even in the original boxes!
Mark's first fort...A super fort...
and a mega fort...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
cute movie
We decided to have a relaxing evening together as a family tonight so I made a homemade pizza (a really yummy bacon cheeseburger pizza) and Mark went to the movie store to rent a movie. He came home with Everyone's Hero. It was the cutest little movie. We were all laughing several times while we watched it. Isaiah said some really funny things while watching it -- "This is awesome!!", "That was so funny", "I can't believe he did that." Even Levi was laughing!
If you are looking for a fun little cartoon movie to watch, I'd recommend this one!
If you are looking for a fun little cartoon movie to watch, I'd recommend this one!

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mother's Day
These weeks are just flying by for me. How is it that Mother's Day was 2 weeks ago already?! It seems like every time I turn around it's a new month!
I had a GREAT Mother's Day this year! The morning started with Mark letting me sleep in just a little bit (nothing like staying in bed until 8!!! that alone would have made my day) and I got up to a homemade breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, strawberries and fresh pineapple!!
Then we were off to church. Levi was really tired and refused to stop screaming in his Walker Talker "class" so I took him to church with me where he fell asleep on my lap about 10 minutes into the service. He slept the entire service on my lap -- it was wonderful! :) (Mark took a picture on his phone, but I don't know how to get it on here-- maybe I'll try later!)
After church we ran home and picked up some things for a picnic at the park. You'll find some pictures from the park on this post about Michele being here.

Then we played one last game of Cranium before Michele had to leave in the morning.
What a great Mother's Day!
Then Mark took some fun pictures of me and the boys...

Later on Michele watched the boys so Mark and I could go to the mall and pick out my present -- a new watch! I have been without a watch for a LONG time and Mark knew I would like one, but wanted me to pick it out. We found one, isn't it pretty?

That evening my mom and dad came over for supper. Mark grilled and then we watched the boys dance to Go Fish Guys for a long time, we were all laughing so hard!!

What a great Mother's Day!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Isaiah (and Jayda) is in a stage where he thinks it is fun to be wearing the same thing as someone else. Sometimes I use this as a way to get him dressed in what I want him to wear. (For example, Isaiah wouldn't it be really cool if you and Levi wore the same jammies? -- see this post)
The other day my dad came over and had a shirt on that is very similar to one that Isaiah has. So I took Isaiah into his room and he quickly changed to match...He thought that was pretty cool.

And a week or so ago, Jayda and Jonah came over for the evening. Jayda really likes to wear Isaiah's Mickey Mouse jammies so of course she got to do that -- and to make things even more fun, I got out Mickey jammies for everyone!
I'm sure we'll have a lot more fun with being "twins" in the future!
The other day my dad came over and had a shirt on that is very similar to one that Isaiah has. So I took Isaiah into his room and he quickly changed to match...He thought that was pretty cool.
And a week or so ago, Jayda and Jonah came over for the evening. Jayda really likes to wear Isaiah's Mickey Mouse jammies so of course she got to do that -- and to make things even more fun, I got out Mickey jammies for everyone!

Sunday, May 16, 2010
my favorite...
So the other night we were trying to figure out what to have for supper. (yeah, another week went by and I didn't have a meal plan done!! but don't worry, it's done and on the fridge for this week!) Out of nowhere Mark says, "how about BLTs?" And I immediately said, "YEAH!!" he then says,"what goes good with BLTs?" and I quickly said, "cantalope, BBQ chips and corn on the cob!" And so that's what we did -- we had my favorite meal of all time!!
Let me tell you, it was so good. I really wanted to cook the other half of the bacon and have the same thing the next day -- but I didn't. (but I'm pretty sure I might do it tonight!:) Anyway, the kids LOVED the corn on the cob and they looked so cute while they were eating it!!

I can't wait for the many more summer meals that are to come around my house! Especially the ones that include home grown tomatoes from my garden!!
Let me tell you, it was so good. I really wanted to cook the other half of the bacon and have the same thing the next day -- but I didn't. (but I'm pretty sure I might do it tonight!:) Anyway, the kids LOVED the corn on the cob and they looked so cute while they were eating it!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Grandma Michele's visit
Mark's mom, Michele, came to visit last week! She was here from Wednesday afternoon through Monday morning. What a fun week we had! It was so nice of her to come see us and be here for Mark's big celebration!!
We picked her up from the airport Wednesday afternoon. Isaiah was so excited to be at the airport!!
We tried to go to a Mexican Restruant to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but ended up getting Little Ceasers instead :) and brought it home to show off the Jeep! (remember Grandma Michele sent it for Christmas).
And Mark and his mom had time to catch up and be silly together!
The days flew by so quickly with her, seems like we were always busy doing something! Unfortunately the weather was so cold (40's) and dreery that we didn't get to show her all of our favorite parks and outside activities, but we did get to go to Chuck E Cheese
and to the's Mark and Isaiah in the new hurricane thing that blows air at you really fast - Isaiah and daddy think it is really fun.
We did go to the park for just a little while on Thursday evening so the boys could play. Grandma Michele had fun with the boys -- I think they wore her out!
On Friday, Uncle Matthew came up to visit too. Of course I made them pose for a picture! Michele and her boys.
Saturday we were busy with graduation stuff...and it was finally BEAUTIFUL outside for Sunday, Mother's Day! We went to the "park that grandma brings the dogs to" (aka Riverhills Park) to play and have a picnic lunch, nothing like PBnJ for a Mother's Day lunch! 

We had lots of fun doing other things that I didn't capture - like the 2 nights we spent playing Cranium after the boys had gone to bed! and Mark took his mom's (Mark's mom and mine) to see the new Friday the 13th movie (YUCK!:) . Thanks for coming Michele! Can't wait for you to come again soon!!
We picked her up from the airport Wednesday afternoon. Isaiah was so excited to be at the airport!!

But today, things look like this:

and a cute one of Levi because I couldn't resist!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Isaiah's first bike ride
Several weeks ago now Isaiah had his first "real" bike ride. We were going to the park and he decided that he wanted to ride his bike. He is excellent at riding his bike around our driveway so I figured he could handle it!
He ended up walking his bike most of the way to the park.
We had fun at the park. He rode his bike for a couple minutes on the way home and walked the rest of the way. He is such a big boy!
We put on his helmet and got him all ready. He was so excited and looked super cute.
He made it about half a block and then decided that he was tired and needed to walk. 
outside at grandpa and grandma's
Levi loves to be outside. He has for several months now. Anytime he hears the back door open he runs to go outside. He often finds his shoes, puts them on, and starts yelling "OUTSIDE."
The same goes when we are at grandpa and grandma's house. He usually begs to go outside there too. Here are some pictures of us outside at their house. How Isaiah didn't make it into a single picture is beyond me, but somehow he didn't. :) 

And then shoving his face with a chocolate granola bar after our outside time. This boy can't get enough chocolate either!
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