Wow! What can I say! He did it! He in he is a graduate!! Way to go Mark!! What a proud day we had on Saturday! Mark participated in the Saturday afternoon Spring Commencement ceremony. He looked so handsome in his graduation gown! Don't you think?

In case you are wondering, the purple sash (or whatever it would be called) is a symbol of his completion of the
American Humanics program.
The ceremony was a typical ceremony filled with several speeches followed by the graduates walking across the stage.

Giving the reader his name card.

Getting his diploma!

Now do you notice something different about Mark's feet in these pictures? Take a closer look at his feet in this picture...

Can you guess why he's wearing those feet? Yep, that's right. Mark was TC the Panther! It was his top secret until graduation day when he got to show off who he was by wearing TC's feet, pretty cool, huh? So if you were at a football game, wrestling meet, volleyball game, basketball game, pep rally, alumni function or pretty much any other event and saw TC, it was probably Mark!
So that's been our big secret this semester! He hasn't been "allowed" to tell anyone that he is TC. Mainly to keep TC from turning into someone else (for example, if you saw TC at a football game and you knew it was Mark, you might say "Hey Mark!" and try to talk with him). It's been a fun secret to keep. I'll post some more pictures of him being TC soon now that I can share it with you!
Anyway, the ceremony was nice. Mark had lots of family there supporting him - which meant a lot to him and to me! Most of us are pictured below, (but thanks to Mark's dad, Kelly, Kris, Jordan, and Larry who were also there). And thanks to LeAnna who was on baby duty and had my boys and Liahna so we could enjoy the ceremony kid free!

Congratulations Mark and the class of 2010!
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