On any given day at our house, it's not unlikely that you'll find an extra kid or 2 or 4 (or as you'll see below 5 extra) at our house! We love to have friends over! I find myself offering to my friends that I'm happy to have their children over while they have something to do (like a date with their husband!) I know how much it means to me when someone offers to watch my boys, so I like to do that for my friends too. My family chooses to sacrifice so that I can stay home most of the time with our boys and I know this isn't something that all families can or want to do - so I figure this is just one little way that I can support those who do work more than me (or just need a break!)
Many times Mark (and others) have commented how I might as well just open an in-home daycare center -truthfully I have no interest in this, but it is fun to think about and between Madison, Emily, Carson, Ashley, Caiden, Jayda, Jonah, Silas, Keira, and the many others we have around here - I could probably fill up fast! :) So, if you'd like to enroll your child in my daycare, just give me a call! HAha. But seriously, if you ever need a babysitter -- call me!
The other day we were lucky enough to have several kids come to play and what better way to entertain then get out the slip n slide and the sprinkler! I had fun watching all 7 kids scream and laugh and enjoy each other.

Then I took some close up shots of the kids. I guess I must have been feeling artistic! :)





6 kids ready for bed. Somehow I had them all but one sleeping by 8:45pm!

Can't wait for our next playdate -- hopefully it's with your kid! :)
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