Playing in the kitchen.

He spotted his name all by himself!

Playing in the kitchen.
He spotted his name all by himself!
I was originally thinking that I wanted him to pick out a non-character bag, but after some more thought, I realized he will only be little for a short time and won't be interested in the characters for long - so whatever he wants is what will be! And there is absolutely no surprise in the backpack that he picked out. We picked out our other things, but it was not nearly as fun for Isaiah. The one funny thing was he needs a pack of pencils. After looking at all of his options, he picked the plain "original" yellow pencils with the pink erasers. Nothing fancy for this boy! :)
We got to my parents to pick up Levi and Isaiah was so excited to show off his new backpack!
I've talked with Isaiah several times in the last few weeks to get a feeling for what he's thinking about preschool. All along he's had it in his mind that he has to be 4 before he goes to school. I've always responded that he will be almost 4 when he starts school. A few days ago we were talking and I said, "Isaiah you get to start preschool next week!!!" and he said, "no, I don't need to go until I'm 4." I asked him if he was scared to go and he got a shy look on his face and said, "yeah." I reminded him that Caiden will be in his class with him and that they can stick together and he was excited again. I know he will love it, and it will be so good for him, what a big change coming!! How exciting!!
Levi was not so interested in the games so he quickly found the animal room. WOW!
There was so many different animals to look at! Levi's favorite was the turkey. He kept pointing at it and saying, "turkey" and then laughing. Isaiah said he liked Alvin the best (we have little chipmunks that run around our house and we call them all Alvin - like Alvin and the chipmunks). I was most impressed by the big lion and if I had to guess, I think Mark would have liked the antelopes.