I was telling Isaiah about what we were going to do earlier in the afternoon and I said, "Aren't you so excited?!!?" He didn't really respond. A little while later he comes up to me and says, "I'm not excited, but that doesn't mean I don't want to go." (pretty grown up statement, don't you think?)
Then when we got to his classroom, he got really shy and said, "I don't need to go. I'll go to preschool when I'm 4." His teacher, Mrs. Knapp, got down to his level and talked with him and started asking him questions. She noticed his school supplies that he brought and asked him to come help her put them away. She's so nice!! He got his supplies put away and was having a great time!
His classroom is the same room as his Sunday School room, but he just wasn't putting 2 and 2 together that it was the same place. A few times he said to me, "My church has this toy!!" I think eventually he will catch on! I will admit, they had a few bigger things out that they don't normally have so that might have thrown him off - plus it was mostly new people and a totally different time of the week and day for him to be there.
Walking in. He's not so sure.

Playing in the kitchen.

He spotted his name all by himself!

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