It's hard to believe that it was just 4 years ago that Isaiah was born into our lives. It seems like he's been a part of me for as long as I can remember. But I also recall the first time I held him as if it was yesterday. Strange how that is.
My family has always made a big deal out of birthdays - and I can now understand why. It is a HUGE celebration when someone is born and every year it's important to remind ourselves of how each and every person and each and every day is a blessing. So, as you read on, you'll see that we celebrated Isaiah ALL . DAY . LONG. And not just because we wanted to spoil him and make him happy - but to show him just how big of a celebration he is to us, our family.
So here's how the day went...
When Isaiah woke up, he was happy as can be. We've been talking about his birthday for months (literally). It was finally here, and he couldn't have been happier. I made him a smiley face pancake and also made him eat it - he was so excited, he just wanted to get on with things rather than eat :)

Then we were off to Chuck E Cheese!! (okay Target first to get a few last minute things). Isaiah and one of his best buddies share the exact same birthday so his mommy and I couldn't help but have them celebrate together. No better way to celebrate, but Chucky's house (as Isaiah used to say). Silly me didn't get a good picture of the boys together (but that's okay, see part 3 of this blog series).
Caiden and Isaiah racing together...

and playing air hockey.

Isaiah convinced LeAnna, Caiden's mom, to play Mario racing with him.

and at one point, all three adults (Mark, LeAnna and I) made it up in the tunnels with the boys

Levi had fun too - here he is playing his favorite game this time (and when we went for his birthday too) the soccer game.

The boys exchanged gifts - check out Isaiah's smile when he opened this dragon! Thank you Caiden!

After we were all gamed out (and all 120 tokens were gone!) we went to go eat lunch with our friend Ronald. :)

Isaiah LOVES McDonald's (who doesn't?) but we RARELY let him go there. He asked to go a few weeks ago and we promised him that he would get to go on his birthday. He was soooo excited - and not only did we get to eat McDonald's but we actually got to go INSIDE! My parents, my sister and Liahna joined us. Check out this excited smile!

Then we came home to get ready for some down time before the big birthday party! We decided to let Isaiah open the gifts from my parents, my sister and us so that the party could be spent enjoying the friends there. My parents gave him a new Diego computer game (he has a Leapfrog Click Start) and a basketball game. Look at the excitement on his face!

Here he is a little later playing with it....

He was so amazed when he opened the big pirate ship from my sister's family. Both Isaiah and Levi just stared at the box, I'm sure thinking about all the fun they were going to have together with this. Thank you Nichole, Jay and Liahna!

Then Levi's gift - Buzz Lightyear. Isaiah, Mark and I went to see Toy Story 3 in the theater together a few months ago and Isaiah loved it. With all the Toy Story stuff out in the stores, Isaiah had said for weeks that he wanted a Buzz. No one like his brother to fulfill that wish! By the way, Levi was equally excited about this gift and through a 10minute fit when we got home from the store and had to hide it.

It was time for the little ones (Levi and Liahna) to take a nap, so they went down and then Isaiah got to open his gifts from us. We bought his gift on and I opted for the free shipping which was 5-9 days. 8 days was his birthday - it was a gamble, but I wanted to save the $17 that it would have cost to ship it sooner. Earlier that week I had gotten notice it was to be delivered on his birthday (whew!) so Mark and I were sweating it all morning hoping it'd get here (I knew it would get there on his birthday as I called earlier in the week, and earlier in the morning:) It was just a matter of when. It didn't come and didn't come, so by 2 we decided to let him open the little things that went with the gift. Including the gifts from Grandma Michele and Great Grandma Mary, they went along with our theme for his big gift -- Thanks Grandma and Great Grandma!!!
The extra gifts were knights and dragons... he was so excited about them. He kept saying "WOH" everytime he opened a package (there were like 5 packages of knights and 2 bigger boxes with dragons) I've never heard him say "woh" before he was so happy. Here is the "woh" look!

And just when he got finished opening the presents, this showed up...

it couldn't have been more perfect timing.
He was so surprised and excited to open his new castle!!! (it's the Melissa & Doug wooden folding castle, it's VERY cool)

Unfortunately it arrived about 25 minutes before the party was to start so he didn't have much time to enjoy it, but that worked out okay in the end.
Isaiah wanted his friends to come to our house and play games for his party, so that's what we did. We ended up playing several games - duck, duck goose, red light green light, clean your room (or something like that), balloon pop, and running races. I think all the kids had a good time. The weather was absolutely perfect (lower 70s and sunny!) now if we could just get rid of the mosquitoes! (sorry to everyone who got bitten up!!)
Red light green light - the parents had to help get some of the kids warmed up. I think eventually just about every kid took a turn calling "red light" or "green light"

Clean your room. Fun game Mark found online. A little silly, but got everyone laughing.

Balloon pop - every kid had a balloon tied to their ankle and you tried to pop other people's balloon without letting yours get popped. Mark ended up winning after he took out Madison :)

As the games were winding down, I made all the kids pose for a picture :) Thanks honey for playing your little game that helps make the kids pose... here you see from left to right:
Izzy, Levi, Ashley, Madison, Emily, Carson, Jonah, Dakota, Isaiah, Rhea, Jayda (not pictured, sleeping Liahna, and baby Silas)

Time for cake. Isaiah told me all along he wanted a circle cake with Spiderman on it. We looked online together and found one like what he wanted. He also wanted the frosting red - I got it as close to red as I could and he put Spiderman on it himself.

Happy Birthday to you!

It's not a party without a pinata.

Isaiah taking the first turn hitting it. From there we did youngest to oldest.

sit down and wait for your next turn.


The party got over and the boys (my dad, Mark, Isaiah and Levi) settled down to watch the (recorded) Iowa vs. Iowa State game (bad timing on our part for the party, game started at 2:30 party started at 3 -- oops!). We ordered pizza (thanks mom!) and then Kammy, Steven and Austin came over to wish Isaiah a happy birthday. How fun for the big boys to get to check out Isaiah's castle.

Poor baby Levi is just too little to be allowed to play with it (too many little pieces, etc) He cried and screamed wanting to play too. I'm sorry big boy.

And needless to say we were all tired by the time we went to bed that night!
What a wonderful day!! Happy Birthday Isaiah Alec!
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