Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the first dentist appointment

So I'd been putting off and putting off Isaiah's first trip to the dentist, and then Levi got old enough that he could go and I kept putting off and putting off BOTH of their first trips to the dentist.  I really had no concerns about their teeth, we brush them and I look in their mouths regularly to make sure things look okay (like I have any idea what I'm looking for, haha) and they never complain that their teeth hurt.  I've talked with friends who have sent their kids to the dentist and it ranges from just counting their teeth to a real simple cleaning.  So I just never made it a priority.  Well, Mark and I have our regular 6 month check up appointments next week and I had to call to switch the time on Mark's appointment - totally wasn't thinking about preschool when I scheduled it 6 months ago :) and so I figured it was time to just schedule them.  When I called, the receptionist said, "we had a cancellation today at 3:15, can you bring the boys in then?" and I figured why not.   It was actually good timing as both Mark and I were off work and able to go!  

Isaiah (and Caiden) thought the waiting room was fun.  They hopped up in the chairs and started reading magazines right away.  Levi wouldn't sit still long enough to even attempt a picture, he was so excited.
Isaiah had said several times that Levi could go first at the dentist.  This is SO unusual.  He always, always ALWAYS wants to go first (even for bedtime stories).  But what do you know, they called Isaiah's name first.  He was soooooooooooo nervous/scared.  Just look at his face!
 But the hygienist was very friendly and explained everything she was doing to Isaiah, even why she had to wear her mask.  Then she showed Isaiah what the saliva ejector (yeah, I had to google what it was called) and how it worked using a little cup.  He was very interested.
 Then it was time to start cleaning his teeth. He did an excellent job.  Did everything she asked of him and tried really hard to keep his mouth wide open.
While she was doing this, they came and got Levi for his turn. He REFUSED to sit in the chair, so he got to sit on my lap.
 They decided the dentist would simply look in his mouth and count his teeth.  He REFUSED to let her look, so we had to lay him across both the dentist and my lap while he scream/cried.  This only took a minute.  His teeth looked great!  He has all of his teeth except his 2 year molars have not come in yet.  Best part is we don't have to bring him back for a whole year!!
 Then the dentist made her way in to see Isaiah.  He was excited to see her and talk to her. (I'm not sure why, they'd never met:)
 Then she looked in his mouth and said his teeth were PERFECT -- lined up exactly right with just the right amount of spacing.  She said they don't get any better than that!   HOORAY!  He also has all of his teeth and should expect him to get his 6 year molars in a few years.
So we did it, we survived our first trip to the dentist.  Now I have to go back next week, yuck.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wartburg Homecoming!

This weekend was homecoming at my alma mater - Wartburg College!  It's been quite awhile since I'd been on campus and I didn't get the kids to a single parade this summer (but they did go to the Sturgis Falls parade with Mark when I had to work in June), so we figured, let's go!  

The boys looked so cute sitting together before the parade started.  

 It finally started and right away both boys were so excited and interested. 

Isaiah was super excited to see the Knight drive by. 
And then as they started to throw candy, he was in his own little heaven - he couldn't have been happier!
 Levi was pretty much a statue the entire time just watching everything go by, he didn't even move for the candy!!

 After the parade we walked around campus.  Even though it was a yucky, rainy day, the campus was still as beautiful as ever!
The boys had fun with the foutain.  They both wanted to get in it really bad :)  I think at one point they were both very, VERY close!
 I had fun showing the kids all the different buildings that I used to go to all the time - between my classes, where I lived (we even got to peak in my very first dorm room!), ate meals, etc I was pretty much in every building regularly!  I don't think they really cared/understood, but it was sure fun for me and Mark to reminisce.
 We also had to check out the football field.  The boys couldn't take their eyes off the field and how HUGE it is.  They also thought it was fun to watch the football players walk around on the field.
 Both Mark and I were amazed at the new wellness center.  What a wonderful facility!   The boys were both sad that we couldn't go swimming in the big pool with a waterslide!  Hopefully we can make it up there sometime this winter!

By the time we had made it through all of this, we were all hungry.  We decided to pass on the $5 hotdogs and head home.  What a FUN way to spend a Saturday morning!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


What beautiful fall weather we've been having these past weeks!  I can't believe that every day we wake up to enjoy another day full of sunshine and 70s!!  We have leaves and leaves and leaves in our neighborhood and they too are gorgeous!  We've been having fun playing in them!  I definitely haven't taken enough pictures, but have captured a few.
 This picture is a little blurry - but it captures his true emotion :)  plus I love that you can see his chubby little fingers!
The other day the boys were playing outside while I was filling the yard waste container.  I had it full, but knew the leaves could be smashed down quite a bit.  I called in for some help.  They did good!
Until they did this...
Levi woke up from his nap and wanted to join in...
 and then they did this...

I could hear two little giggles and one BIG cry.  Levi hated it.  so things quickly looked like this...
And here's my sweet little, big Levi another day playing in the leaves.
I am sad to say that the forecast is for much colder weather next week... bummer!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Isaiah's first field trip : off to the farm.

Isaiah's preschool class had their first field trip on October 11 to the Hansen's Dairy Farm.  I was lucky enough to go along!  (They had asked that siblings not come so the parents could focus on their preschooler, Mark was nice enough to say that I could go and he'd stay home with Levi, but he was sneaky and brought Levi to the farm too, watching carefully from the back -- making sure that Isaiah didn't spot him or Levi and also making sure that Levi didn't spot me! Tricky guy - I didn't even know he was there until we got home! - but to get me a little credit, they didn't stay long.  And what a sweet daddy for not wanting to miss his son's reaction to his trip to the farm and his first field trip!)

We got to ride on a school bus to the farm!  Isaiah was SOOO so excited.  Caiden was too.  Okay, and I was too.  But when it came to sit down, Isaiah wanted to sit with Caiden and not me...oh man he's growing up, huh?  So I sat behind them next to a sweet little girl.  So here he is on his first school bus ever!! The boys were just amazed that they didn't have to wear seat-belts.  They questioned me about whether or not they were safe!  I assured them that they were.  
 We arrived at the farm to meet our welcoming tour guide, Mrs. Hansen!  She was so good with the kids and was excited to show them around!
Our first stop was to see the wallabies.  This is the mascot used by the farm to market their product.  They have several of them lounging around in a fenced in area.   
Then we got to check out the ingredients that is used to make the cows food. Isaiah got a little distracted by the cows. :)
 She then quickly walked us through the milk making area.  We got to watch them making the milk and having it put into their milk gallons!
 We got to see the milking station!  They milk 150 cows twice a day!  She said it takes about 3 hours for each session!
 We went into the big "cow area" (I forget what it's called) and got to look at some cows up close in personal!  She was showing us how they keep their cows divided - the ones that can milk and the ones that cannot.

Next we saw the cows from the other side of the "cow area."  I'm pretty sure these were the pregnant or possibly pregnant cows that could be milked -- or maybe they were the pregnant or already mother cows.  I can't remember it all! :)
While we were looking at these cows, Mrs. Hansen noticed that this cow had just given birth!  Here is a brand new baby cow that had never even stood up before!  I shared a laugh with Steph, another mom who was there, when Mrs. Hansen called another farm staff to come help this cow who had "dumped" her baby.  
 Finally it was the part all of the kids were waiting for -- the chance to milk a cow!  Of course it was a pretend cow that splashed out water, but the kids thought it was so great!  When asking Isaiah and Caiden about their favorite part of the field trip, they both shouted, "Milking the cow!!"  Isaiah wasn't afraid to get under the cow to get the job done! :)
What a fun field trip!  Isaiah has such a cute little class.
On the ride home, the boys actually let me sit with them on the bus!  
What a great trip!  Just when I think the "firsts" for Isaiah are ending, I realize that he has so many more to come -- I'm so glad that I get to continue to experience them with him!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

quotes of the day

~  quote 1 ~
"Soon these new windows and doors will be old and we will have to start all over again." - Isaiah
(I'll be posting soon about our new windows and doors - they are still in the process of being installed.)

~ quote 2 ~
"Mommy, will you surprise me with a snack?" asks Isaiah.

"Sure," says mommy.

Isaiah replies, "If you surprise me with grapes and saltines I'll be very happy."

~quote 3 ~
"oh shovel, oh shovel, where are you shovel?  oh. there you are," says Levi.

Levi is so sweet and cute and funny.  When it's time for a nap or bed, we will instruct Levi to go find his blankie.  If he doesn't know where it is, he will usually say "oh blankie, oh blankie, where are you blankie?"  But today as he was playing I caught him saying this about his shovel. 

~ quote 4 ~
"here Levi.  I got you a rocketship because I love you," says Isaiah.

Our bedtime routine consists of many things, but one part is for Isaiah to go get vitamins for Levi and himself while Levi and I go start reading stories.  We recently got new vitamins and I surprised the boys with Toy Story gummies this time.  Well, Isaiah thinks the rocketship shaped gummies in this bottle are the greatest.  He likes to fly them around while I read to Levi.  Tonight he was so sweet and shared his special shaped vitamin with his brother just because he loves him!  Awwww.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Rhea!

Isaiah always has a fun time with his buddy Rhea.  She celebrated her 4th birthday on October 7 and had a party on October 9.  She's a little princess so her party was a princess/prince party.  The kids all looked so adorable in their little crowns.

 After some playtime at "Rhea's Park" it was time for a piñata -- a cute pink and purple princess castle.  Isaiah took a good swing at it and the very next hit it cracked opened!  all the kids went running for the candy! 
 Next it was time for cake.  Take a look at that pretty Barbie princess cake! 
 and here is my little prince.
He was definitely excited about the crown and wore it for several days after the party...

Thanks for inviting us Rhea!  Happy Birthday!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Nichole!

Last week my sister had a birthday!  She came to visit us on Saturday to celebrate.  We spent the day celebrating her (minus an hour and a half celebrating Rhea - watch for my next post!:)  I've been bad at taking pictures lately since my memory card is completely full all the time and I just haven't gotten it emptied (by the way our laptop crashed--it had at least a month's worth of pictures on it -- anyone know how to get them off for me??). But I did grab the camera for our afternoon walk. 

Mark likes to treat the kids and give them a ride in the back of his truck when we are going a few blocks to the trails.  This time My mom, dad, sister, Liahna, Isaiah, Levi and I all rode in the back. 
 It was a beautiful day for a walk and the trees are georgous!
If you look closely in this one you'll see Mark with Levi on his shoulders - the boys of the group plus Liahna took a detour through the woods.
Happy Birthday Nichole - thanks for spending your birthday Saturday with us!!