Isaiah's preschool class had their first field trip on October 11 to the Hansen's Dairy Farm. I was lucky enough to go along! (They had asked that siblings not come so the parents could focus on their preschooler, Mark was nice enough to say that I could go and he'd stay home with Levi, but he was sneaky and brought Levi to the farm too, watching carefully from the back -- making sure that Isaiah didn't spot him or Levi and also making sure that Levi didn't spot me! Tricky guy - I didn't even know he was there until we got home! - but to get me a little credit, they didn't stay long. And what a sweet daddy for not wanting to miss his son's reaction to his trip to the farm and his first field trip!)
We got to ride on a school bus to the farm! Isaiah was SOOO so excited. Caiden was too. Okay, and I was too. But when it came to sit down, Isaiah wanted to sit with Caiden and not me...oh man he's growing up, huh? So I sat behind them next to a sweet little girl. So here he is on his first school bus ever!! The boys were just amazed that they didn't have to wear seat-belts. They questioned me about whether or not they were safe! I assured them that they were.
We arrived at the farm to meet our welcoming tour guide, Mrs. Hansen! She was so good with the kids and was excited to show them around!Our first stop was to see the wallabies. This is the mascot used by the farm to market their product. They have several of them lounging around in a fenced in area. 
Then we got to check out the ingredients that is used to make the cows food. Isaiah got a little distracted by the cows. :)
She then quickly walked us through the milk making area. We got to watch them making the milk and having it put into their milk gallons! We got to see the milking station! They milk 150 cows twice a day! She said it takes about 3 hours for each session!
We went into the big "cow area" (I forget what it's called) and got to look at some cows up close in personal! She was showing us how they keep their cows divided - the ones that can milk and the ones that cannot.
While we were looking at these cows, Mrs. Hansen noticed that this cow had just given birth! Here is a brand new baby cow that had never even stood up before! I shared a laugh with Steph, another mom who was there, when Mrs. Hansen called another farm staff to come help this cow who had "dumped" her baby. 
Finally it was the part all of the kids were waiting for -- the chance to milk a cow! Of course it was a pretend cow that splashed out water, but the kids thought it was so great! When asking Isaiah and Caiden about their favorite part of the field trip, they both shouted, "Milking the cow!!" Isaiah wasn't afraid to get under the cow to get the job done! :)What a great trip! Just when I think the "firsts" for Isaiah are ending, I realize that he has so many more to come -- I'm so glad that I get to continue to experience them with him!!
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