Sunday, June 26, 2011


We made it to the strawberry farm twice this year!  (I'm still hoping to get there one more time, but I have a feeling my time has run out)  The first trip out was crazy - I had talked with Isaiah several days about going to the strawberry farm but it just didn't work out - I really wanted to go, Isaiah really wanted to go - and Levi's always up for whatever so on the way home from somewhere we went to the farm.  Rain and storms were in the forecast and the sky looked dark, but I told Isaiah we'd go - so we were going!  

About 10 minutes from the farm it started to sprinkle and then rain and then pour.  Isaiah had tears in his eyes as the rain got harder - "we still get to pick strawberries, right mama?"  So I kept driving to the farm.  We were the only car in the parking lot - but I ran in and asked the owner if we could please, PLEASE pick strawberries or my sons would be so disappointed.  Although the rain was back to a steady sprinkle, it was thundering (AHH)  the man said, "okay if you want to" and he directed us to the closest field.  So we ran to the field ...
And I picked and picked and picked as fast as I could while the boys ate and ate and ate the berries as fast as they could

We picked for 5 or 10 minutes before the rain started coming harder again.  We only picked about a quart and the nice owner wouldn't let me pay for them!  We sat in their building and ate the entire quart of berries and then washed our hands and left!  What a night - a fun memory.

So a few days later we went back as a family again - I was determined to bring home enough berries to make jam - this time the weather was beautiful!  The boys were great helpers and picked several berries for me (and ate several more!!)
 Mark was determined to help me get our box full so he picked hard right along with me - thanks honey!
 We ended up picking almost 9 pounds - not quite as many as I wanted - my goal was 15 pounds - but I was still pleased.  The berries were very tasty!  and we had to continue my family tradition of making strawberry shakes after a trip to the farm.  The boys were definitely excited about that!! 
I did get some jam made - only about 2/3 of what I made last year - and I was hoping to make more this year than I did last year since we ate right through it, but that's okay - I may get back to the farm or I may try with store berries -- or we may just enjoy the jam I was able to make.  

I love strawberry season!!

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