Thursday, July 14, 2011

incredible hulk

A few years back when Isaiah was about Levi's age - or maybe even younger - Isaiah inherited a pair of Incredible Hulk jammies (if I remember right they came from his cousin Dakota).  They have been the favorite pair of jammies ever since - and I'm really not sure why, I don't think Isaiah had ever really heard of him.  Isaiah will choose to wear them WHENEVER they are clean (or not clean, but available!)  I've been looking for months (and have even recruited friends to look) for a larger pair as these pajamas are a size 4 (which in pajama sizes is like 2T).  Unfortunately another pair has not been found - at any of our local stores, Goodwills or garage sales, but a second pair of size 4 was found this summer (by my good friend LeAnna).  So we now can have two Incredible Hulk's running around....and many times we do.  So here are my boys wearing the same size PJs enjoying Incredible Hulk - you'll notice Isaiah is busting out of the top - and the pants are pretty much like capri's on him. :)
And if you find Incredible Hulk jammies - in any size bigger than a 4 please, please buy them -- I will pay you back!! :)


The Diesburgs said...

They used to make lots of Marvel super hero iron ons and my mom would use them to make my brother jammies.Now you can even make your own iron ons with any image and your computer,Maybe try that!; )

Gretchen Handfelt said...

It looks like amazon has them!
Try this link:

Also, ebay had some too.

Good luck!!