Monday, October 24, 2011

UNI Homecoming

We had talked about going to the UNI homecoming football game, but never really made a decision.  On the Saturday of UNI homecoming we had a laser tag party in the morning and then came home to nap time.  Mark turned on some other college football and Isaiah said, "I want to go to a real football game."  So we said, "okay" and we put on our Panther gear and off we went to the dome.  We made it just as half time was starting which meant awesome parking and free tickets!  It really worked out perfectly because half a game was about all the boys were up for anyway.  Levi insisted that he needed his ear protectors to go to the game so he wore them for most of it.  He looked cute -- and silly -- but he was happy and that's what matters, right?  We called LeAnna and Caiden when we got to the game because we knew they were there - they had tickets on the VERY far side and just happened to have a room to sit by them!  Being on the very edge we got to watch the band and cheerleaders walk right by us.  Levi was impressed with the pom poms.  The boys were also very excited to pick out whatever snack they wanted - Isaiah picked carmal corn (which he ate very little of) and Levi picked regular popcorn, but as soon as we got back to our seats he insisted that he said he wanted cotton candy - so back to the stand went Mark and Levi with a big bag of cotton candy and a blue lemonade for the parents! (it was really yummy!).  Levi devoured just about all of the cotton candy while Isaiah ate about 1/4 of the bag.  Nothing like a sugar high, haha.  
 After the game they announced that fans could come down to the football field, it was getting late and we didn't really know for sure what was going on so Mark and Isaiah were already outside when Levi spotted lots of people on the field.  He really wanted to go too, so Mark and Isaiah came back in and we went and had a BLAST on the field - I'm really glad we went -- good idea Levi!  Isaiah and Mark ran all over the field pretending to play football - I think they made it down and back at least 5 times!  Levi played a little football too until the drummers came out to put their drums away.  Levi was amazed.  One drummer was so very nice and let Levi try out his drum .  After about 20 minutes the drummer really needed to get his stuff put away and Levi was so sad he had to be done.  He sure loved every minute he got to beat on the drum!  
It was a really fun afternoon and evening -- both boys had great ideas!! 

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