Monday, December 26, 2011

2 weeks.

How can it be that 2 weeks have come and gone since Titus was born?  

At 2 weeks Titus:

* sleeps all the time!  but often only for a few moments if someone isn't holding him :)  I promised myself that the third time's a charm and baby wouldn't be in our bed with us -- but by day 3 - he was in bed with me - haha, who I was I kidding - I like my sleep too much!  He goes down in his own bed (which is set up right next to my side of the bed) after a good feeding around 11pm.  Around 2 every night he wakes up and then is up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours to eat and sometimes makes it back to his bed and other times stays right next to me :)

* eats all the time! He's latched right on from the first try and has been a great eater ever since!  He typically eats every 1 1/2-3 hours.

* is very, very mellow.  Our house is often very noisy with little boys playing, but the noise doesn't phase him a bit.  Levi got a drum set and Isaiah a keyboard for Christmas and he doesn't seem to mind being right next to the loud bangs and sounds that the boys make on them!  He doesn't seem to care who is holding him or what position (most of the time)  -- and he's been in some crazy spots with his big brothers holding him (especially Levi!).

* has had only sponge baths and has hated them, but his belly button cord fell off today so we are ready to give him a real bath!

* hates having his diaper changed and SCREAMS the entire way through, but really does want it changed as he gets a bit fussy when he's (really) wet/dirty.  He is much happier once it's clean!

* seems to like to swing.  We borrowed a swing from a friend (thanks Molly!) and he's swung in it several times and has even taken a few little snoozes in it.  He seems to enjoy it for short periods of time.

* is back up to his birth weight plus some!  He weighed 8lbs 4.7oz when he was born at 1 day old he was 7lbs 10oz and for some reason they didn't weigh him when we left the hospital.  At 11 days old he was 8lbs 3 oz so by 14 days I'm sure he is a bit over his birth weight!

We love, love, love the newest addition to our family and are so thankful that he's here and healthy!!

1 comment:

In Light of the Truth... said...

So glad that things are going well and Titus is such a content baby! At almost 2 YEARS old Carter STILL cries when I lay him down for a diaper change! Almost EVERY time! Isn't that silly? =)