Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my boys

I love my boys.  
I get all kinds of comments when I'm out and about with my 3 (or 4) boys about how I'm so out numbered or people asking if we will try for a girl or all kinds of other comments about the number of boys in our family.  I think it's kind of funny and I wouldn't want it any other way.  (and if you are one of those who wonder about trying for a girl but just don't want to ask - at this point the answer is no! :) but you know, things are always changing around here - and our plan doesn't always match God's either!).

I just love this picture of my boys below.  It's very rare that they all wear a hat - Levi is about the only regular baseball cap wearer in our family.  He is to the point that he wears one about daily - Isaiah wears one next to never and Mark is a bit in between.  And Ty-tee - this is his first experience wearing one.  This picture shows off each of them so well...

My husband - trying so hard to make me happy even when I'm having him do something he really doesn't want to - most days he simply lives to make me a happy wife - and I KNOW I'm lucky to have him so many women would dream to have a man that treated them the way I am treated.  Let's just say I know I'm not always easy to please! haha.

Titus - just one of the gang, watching, watching, watching and I think he's always contemplating how he can be doing what his big brothers are doing - hold on little buddy - it won't be long.

Levi - the goofball.  Always being just a bit silly (or a lot silly) and not wanting to follow directions (like look at the camera), but he's just too cute to be mad.  

Isaiah - he's finally figured it out - just smile the first time and it will be over in a minute.  trying to be just like his daddy and showing love to his mama.  what a great big, big brother and sweet little son.

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