Well, it finally happened - in a house of wild, crazy and fearless boys - a bone was broken! We were out and about and decided to find a few geocaches one day. After succesfully finding a few caches at a park we hadhe called never been to, we decided to let the boys play on the play equipment. It was a park we had never been to and the boys were excited about the monkey bars (which we had never really attempted before at other parks). Isaiah was actually getting the hang of them and made it 9 bars! Levi was trying his hardest too - he'd go out one bar and then call me to get him down, and then he'd get back up and do it all over again. After about 10 times of this I told Levi he needed to play something else since I was also trying to push the baby in the swing. Well, what do you know, he got up to do it again - he called for help to get down; Mark, being a good dad and following through with his word, told him that we said not to do it again so he needed to get down himself. Levi tried to swing his legs back to the platform, but slipped and fell just right on his arm. He cried and cried which isn't like him. We left the park and about 45 minutes later he still had tears rolling down his face so we decided we needed to go to urgent care (it was a Saturday). We got in and the doctor looked at him and decided to x-ray it. Levi and I went back to the x-ray room, he was still crying and by this time I'm sobbing too. The x-ray lady was really nice but Levi just kept moving and screaming when I had to move his hand to point his thumb up so we had to redo a few shots.

The doctor came back to say that she could easily tell that he broke both bones right above the wrist. She put him in a wrap to wear over the weekend and said the orthopedic doctor would contact us on Monday after he had reviewed the x-rays to confirm the break. Levi was such a trooper.
My sister was in town to celebrate Father's Day with my dad a day early so we went to spend some time with them and within a few minutes you would never have known that Levi had just broken his arm. He was up playing and being his silly self.
He did such a good job keeping the sling on (which really didn't work on an active little boy) and took the ibuprofin and tylenol whenever ask - which we did give him to make sure he wouldn't be in too much pain (but after a day of this, we stopped and he didn't complain at all). The first night he went to bed just fine no complaints of pain or anything. The second night, however, he woke up SCREAMING that it hurt. We gave him a dose of medicine and he fell back asleep and that was the only complain of real pain from him!

We went Monday afternoon to the orthopedic doctor who confirmed his break. He said it was a very clean greenbreak (? I think that's what he called it) fracture that would heal very quickly and completely. He put him in a half cast thing that went on the bottom half of his forearm to make sure his arm stayed straight and wrapped it with an ace wrap. He had to wear this for 3 weeks and then come back to see how it was healing with new x-rays. Definitely not what we were expecting since urgent care had told us to expect a full cast for at least 6-8 weeks!
We were excited about this news and excited to be done with the sling! Once again, this didn't slow Levi down one bit. We wrapped his arm in plastic so he could get in the pool and he played, rode his bike, and so much more as if his arm was fine.
We went back to the doctor after 3 weeks and they re-x-rayed his arm (with no tears by anyone this time! in fact, he went in all by himself!). The doctor said he was very happy with how it was healing, but wanted him to wear a brace when he was awake and playing just to be sure. He could take it off at night, for baths, etc but he wanted didn't want it to get bumped wrong. We were so happy that it was healing correctly! The doctor had him wear this for 3 more weeks, but didn't need to see him back for 3 months.
We made it through those 3 weeks and Levi was such a good boy to leave it on without complaint. Again, didn't slow him down one bit. It was an exciting day when the arm brace got to come off and I think it seemed a little strange to him to take it off. He seems fully recovered now, but will see for sure the middle of September when he gets x-rayed again.
There just never seems to be a dull moment in our lives - especially with Levi around - and we wouldn't want it any other way! :)