We had so much fun this weekend that it's 5:45 on Sunday night and take a look at the picture on the left...Isaiah fell asleep in the computer chair watching the Chipmunks...Can you believe that? I CAN'T!!
I'll tell you all about our busy weekend!
Friday night was Girls Night Out...and Boys Night In. I went out with some friends to celebrate LeAnna's birthday! Here we are...drinking the best drinks around...

Take a look at how yummy they look! They are called Moskow Mules (Right, Erin?).
While we were out celebrating, Mark, Isaiah, Levi and a few other boys spent the night at our house playing video games and other manly things. :)
Saturday we went to visit baby Liahna...Isaiah and Mark were very excited to meet her! We decided to drive down starting around 12 so we would be on the road for nap time... To get ready for a long car ride, we went to the playland at the mall. I have never seen it so packed! There had to have been at least 25 kids playing all at once, I guess that's what we get when we go on a Saturday morning in late November! Even though it was packed, Isaiah had a great time...he ran around and around chasing the kids, going down the slide, and jumping off all the toys. It was time to leave when Isaiah kept running out of the playland down the mall and I had to go running after him...
The trip down was pretty uneventful. Isaiah fell asleep about an hour into the trip so he got about an hour nap. Then we got there and saw the baby. She's still adorable and teeny tiny!

We all had lots of fun at Aunt Nikki's house...I played Wii Fit for the first time---FUN!! and Isaiah got to play "balls" on her pool table...that's all he wanted to do...he was laughing and playing all evening with those balls.
We stayed at my sisters until 8:30 (Isaiah's bedtime) thinking he would fall asleep shortly after we got on the road...well that plan didn't work! Isaiah was awake until at least 10:15...He was talking about all kinds of things.. He said: "We be gentle" and "I played with Uncle Jay" and "It's dark outside" and "Aunt Nikki's house" and anything he could think of to keep himself awake. Finally he ran out of things to say and nodded off.
Sunday was Mark's step-mom's side of the family Thanksgiving...and what a gathering that is! There are tons and tons of little kids and tons and tons of adults that meet to celebrate together! I'd say there has to be at least 60 people (and no I'm not exaggerating!).
All the little ones were having a blast looking at the huge fish aquarium!

Isaiah and Tayton (the only other two year old) thought they were the neatest! But I'm not sure who had more fun, the toddlers or the adults watching them!

Isaiah loves to play with the piano, so when he found great-grandma's organ, of course he could think of nothing but playing....we got him to seranaide grandma and great grandma singing Jesus Loves me... it was so adorable. He sang it over and over again, with The Itsy Bitsy Spider every now in then in between.

We let Isaiah go run and play with all the kids...it was the first time we let him "be a kid" (as Mark called it)...and not a baby...and it made me a little nervous! He got to run all around the house chasing all the other kids... It was hard for me not to follow him all over the place, but it was good for him to play with the big kids...and man was he sad when the kids left one by one... he kept saying "Bye Kids."
Levi on the other hand, just hung out with the adults...he was passed from one to the other...everybody loves the baby...and Levi is officially the youngest great-grandbaby on this side!! (which is pretty crazy since there are at least 20 great-grandkids!)

After hours of fun, it was time to leave great-grandma's house...exhausted without a nap :) So now you can see why Isaiah fell asleep in the computer chair watching the chipmunks at 5:45pm!!