Our Halloween started off with a birthday party! Isaiah's best buddy Jayda turned 2 on Halloween. Isaiah and I went with her, her mommy Laura, and Jonah (her little brother, the two little ones I watch a couple days a week) to the Phelps Youth Pavilion. What a great time the kids had! It was our second trip to the museum (Mark, Isaiah, Levi and I went there for Isaiah's birthday too) and Isaiah loved it the second time just as much as the first. If you have kids and are ever in Waterloo, I'd definitely suggest it. They danced to the music on stage, they made a really cool art project, climbed up and down in the caves under the stairs (yes, they are supposed to), rode the bus, made music, and much more. It was a great morning!

After the birthday party, it was time for lunch and naps. And then...costume time! Sometimes Isaiah can be a little cranky when he wakes up from his nap...not sure if he wakes up too soon, or just needs time to really wake up and of course Halloween was one of those days. When he got up, I really excitedly said, Isaiah you get to put on your dinosaur costume!!! He said, "No. I don't want to put on my dinosaur costume." After a few minutes and a little more excitement from Mommy and Daddy. Isaiah and Levi were dressed up and ready to go.

We made our first stop at Walgreens to have them take the boys' picture with their Halloween/fall background. They didn't turn out the greatest, but hey you can't complain about free... and then we went down to Main Street in Cedar Falls to trick or treat...and man was it packed! I knew it would be, but I wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather and the safe trick-or-treating environment that I knew we'd find there.

Isaiah wasn't really sure about what was going on. He wasn't his usual wild little boy, in fact he held on to Daddy's hand for pretty much our whole walk.

We just went up one block on each side and decided to move on. It was good enough for us and Isaiah was ready for candy! All throughout the trick-or-treating he kept trying to set his bucket down to get a piece of candy to eat. It was cute.
And Levi pretty much slept through the whole thing.

After Main Street, we went over to visit Great Grandma. She was happy to see the boys and of course had to add some candy to the bucket!!
Then we went to Grandpa & Grandma's. And here is what we found:

By the time we got pictures done, it was dark out and we decided to take Isaiah door to door to a few of my parents' neighbors. They live in a neighborhood that doesn't get very much trick-or-treat action, so I figured they'd get a kick out of my little guy. Levi, Grandpa and Daddy stayed home to pass out candy, while Grandma and I took Isaiah out. And let me tell you--HE HAD A BLAST!! My little boy thought it was the coolest thing ever.

He was running as fast as he could in between houses. So fast that I had to run to keep up with him. The houses in this area are pretty far apart and set back a ways from the street so it took a little ways to get to each house, by our 5th or 6th house, Isaiah was tired.

We came back to get Daddy and Grandpa and we did just a couple more houses (with much less enthusiasm) and then decided it was time to head to our next stop. Isaiah and Levi's other Grandpa and Grandma's. By the time we got there Isaiah was pretty much done with the Halloween thing. But he enjoyed playing with Grandma and the fun flashlight she gave him.
Then we came home...and Isaiah went straight to bed...and straight to sleep.
What a fun day.
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