After spending some time with my new niece (see post below) I RUSHED home to get ready for my fancy date!
Mark's ROTC Military Ball was last night...and boy was it fancy... I kept breaking all the rules...I talked to someone who didn't address me, I didn't stay on my date's right side, I shook someones hand before they offered to shake mine...oops! :)
But we had a good time... things started with a social hour and then a recession line where I got to meet lots of Mark's ROTC friends and teachers.
Then Mark got to be a part of the color guard...

We got to eat some yummy food...and sit at the old people table :) Whoever made the seating chart decided to put us with the photographer and his wife and the ROTC receptionist and her husband along with one other couple who was from University of Dubuque that we didn't know. But that was alright. Then I headed off to the bathroom to pump...it was the first time I'd pumped in a public bathroom in a long time... It was funny trying to make it work in a really fancy dress...thank goodness for those hooks in the stalls... ha ha
After the speechs there was a dance...it's been so long since we went out dancing! At first everyone was being a little timid and not getting out on the dance floor, but after a little while we got out there with a few other people and had a good time dancing like the old days.. :)

Unfortunately I didn't get a really good picture of us...but these will do!

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