Isaiah turned 3 on Friday! We had a GREAT day together and celebrated all day long!
He woke up and wanted to "watch a show downstairs" as he calls it. Isaiah and daddy watch some show together on the big TV downstairs, I'm not too sure what the show is, a cartoon about a little boy who turns into a superhero of some kind. Whatever it is, they enjoy it together.
Here he is watching the show at EXACTLY 3 years old, 8:10AM.

While they enjoyed the show, I made cinnamon rolls. I thought Isaiah would really like them, and I was kind of right -- he liked the frosting! :) and just picked at the rest. Oh well.

Then Jayda and Jonah came over and we walked to the park. It was a beautiful morning for the park! On the way to the park is this house with beautiful flowers all across the front yard. The big kids wanted to stop and look at them, so I made them pose on a rock for a picture! :) Too bad I didn't notice that my camera lens was smudged!

All five of us had a fun time at the park! The big kids were laughing while I swang them and the babies had fun watching. Levi of course made it to the merry-go-round to keep himself busy! :) Jonah was challenging himself by walking on the mulch and grass with his shoes on.

I knew we had a full day ahead of us, so we had to cut our park play to about an hour. I wanted to make sure the babies got their morning nap in before it was time to head to Chuck E Cheese's House (as Isaiah calls it).
We had a surprise waiting for us when we got home -- Grandpa had brought Isaiah donuts for his birthday breakfast. Isaiah picked a plain white one--I ran into the other room and came back and he had taken a few bites out of the white one and was eating a different one. Jayda on the other hand was LOVING the cream filled one that she picked out. She ate every last bite! :)

We had so much fun playing that time got away from me and we had to hurry home to get the big kids to bed before it got too late! Luckily they both went down okay and were asleep by 2ish. While they napped, we got everything packed up and ready to head to the PARTY!
We had a party planned for 5:30 for friends and family to come help us celebrate. We rented the shelter at Look Out Park. Thanks to my sister and Jay, the shelter was decorated with streamers -- thanks you two!

and Thanks to my parents and Mark's dad balloons were blown up--but Isaiah was having too much fun jumping on them, that very few were actually hung up. It was too cute to watch him get excited about popping them.

The birthday boy waiting for his friends to come, smiling the classic Isaiah smile.

Once everyone arrived, the kids played on the playground for a little while and then it was time to eat. Mark grilled hot dogs for us--thank you honey!
Next was the pinata. When I found the big 3 pinata I knew we had to have that for our party! :) Of course Isaiah got to try first. He was able to hit it several times.

Mark took a hit at it and it popped right open, and almost hit a few people, too! Oops! Luckily no one was hurt! :) And the kids went wild at the candy and treats inside! I filled it with nerds, a few chocolates, and little bags of teddy grahms and peanutbutter crackers (the halloween mini bags).

Then it was time for cake! Yummy.

And last it was time for presents! Isaiah had so many gifts to open thanks to all of our wonderful family and friends that came to the party or sent gifts ahead of time!

After the last package was opened, Mark asked Isaiah what the one thing he really wanted for his birthday was. With a little prompting, Isaiah said, "a bike." Mark asked him if he thought he got one, and Isaiah got a really said face and said, "I didn't get one." Mark told him to turn around...and there it was! The big boy bike that we got for him!! :) He was so excited!!!

Levi likes it too :)

The seat wasn't adjusted to fit his size, so we got everything cleaned up at the park and hurried home to "fix" his bike so that he could ride it. After a few adjustments, it was good to go!

Finally it was too dark to be outside, so we came in to check out the rest of his presents again! Thank you everyone!!

We had two tired little boys by then end of the night!

But we had just enough time and energy to take a much needed bath before bed.

Whew! What a day!! But a perfect first day of being 3!
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