Isaiah is in a phase (I hope!) right now where he is just ridiculasly hard to get to sleep. He fights it in every way he can think of for both naps and bedtime. We've had the same routine for a long time and he used to go to bed so easily and all of a sudden it's a huge stress for everyone! He thinks up every excuse there is and takes hours (literally) to fall asleep. I think it stems back from our trip to Clear Lake in August when we were all in the same room to sleep, and Mark or I laid in the bedroom until he fell asleep. We know he's tired because (not only how he's acting--cranky, etc), but if we lay in his room with him, he will fall asleep and take a good nap or sleep through the night (usually).
Oh well. Really, I'm so often reminded by so many things that this stage - his little years - fly by so fast. I can't complain that he doesn't get to sleep... but I can show you just how tired he was tonight! He didn't get a nap again today (they seem to be few and far between for me anymore - he does a little better with Mark, and Laura can almost always get him to nap at least an hour). After fighting with him for an hour and a half, I just gave up again... he was up a couple hours in the night last night because of a horrible cough he had (which already seems to be gone, Thank Goodness!), so I knew he was incredibly tired.
So as I peak in his room one last time tonight before I was going to bed, this is what I found:

My guess is he woke up to go potty and just didn't make it...and that there is probably a wet spot underneath him that will have to be shampooed, but doesn't he just look so sweet? My super tired little boy.
Sorry the picture is so dark, but there was no way I was risking it with the flash! :)
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