Monday, October 26, 2009
Isaiah learned what sprinkles were this summer when Mark made my birthday cake (I think that is when it was anyway). He knew we had more sprinkles and would ask to eat them. So, I came up with a solution -- and every once in awhile he gets a "special treat" with sprinkles. HA HA.

This time he got a LOT of sprinkles ("a lot, a lot, a lot" as we call it!), usually he only gets about a third of what he got this time. Lucky boy that time I guess. :)
At Anna's Birthday Party we each picked out a pumpkin to bring home with us. We decided to carve our pumpkins last night. The boys were both pretty excited about it and we had lots of fun. My mom came over to help (and ended up taking lots of pictures). Thanks mom for joining us!

My mom brought my old pumpkin knife that's meant for young kids...Isaiah thought it was pretty cool to get to use a real knife.
We had lots of fun... but didn't get to Levi's pumpkin, maybe we'll carve his another day?
We started with Mark's HUGE pumpkin.
Ta Da.
Isaiah was proud of his pumpkin. He held it up and said, "Scary face, scary face!"
On the front step!
Isaiah was so happy to show Jayda this morning when we went outside to play.
He had to show her how all the tops come off, and how to put them back on. He is getting so interested in things and often says, "that's interesting."
What a fun Halloween activity!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Anyway, we had a blast outside in the leaves, and no surprises here...I took some cute pictures while doing it. :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
UNI Homecoming!
Last weekend was homecoming for UNI. It's Mark's last homecoming as a student (HOORAY!) and we all wanted to celebrate, of course! Most of the events Mark went to on his own. His was recently selected to be "TC Security" which is so exciting for him! In case you don't know, TC is the "Panther" mascot for UNI. Mark has already spent lots of time with TC at all kinds of events!
But one event we did get to go to as a family, the Panther Festival. It was outside on campus with a virtual parade (aka little booths supporting several events/organizations giving out free stuff) and 2 HUGE jumpy things for kids! It was tons of fun, but a little bit chilly! We had to cut the day short because I forgot to bring hats and mittens (DUH! - what was I thinking? at least they both had coats on, I guess HAHA).
But one event we did get to go to as a family, the Panther Festival. It was outside on campus with a virtual parade (aka little booths supporting several events/organizations giving out free stuff) and 2 HUGE jumpy things for kids! It was tons of fun, but a little bit chilly! We had to cut the day short because I forgot to bring hats and mittens (DUH! - what was I thinking? at least they both had coats on, I guess HAHA).
Here we are: Go Panthers! Do you think this one is good enough, that with some editing and cropping I could use it for Christmas cards???
We found TC and got to say hi, give him a hug, and have our mini UNI football signed!
Isaiah playing sandbags...
The jumpy things... I think these are Isaiah's all time favorite things in the world!
After a few times down the slide, the "worker" asked Mark if he wanted to go with him!

Home again, Home again.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday night.
Anyway, we came home to try out the new bath colors. The boys both thought they were SUPER cool! Levi just smiled and laughed about the water for 5 minutes straight! I told Isaiah he could pick two tablets to try, so he picked blue and red. The water looked so pretty, and was really bright! (You can't really tell that from the picture below)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
finally a new dresser for Levi.
Levi's clothes situation has been a mess since he was born. But as of today, problem solved! Now, not only does he have a perfect closet with 2 clothes bars, but a brand new dresser as well!
The old dresser - a VERY old dresser of my parents that I painted white. The drawers would hardly open, and once they were open, they wouldn't hardly shut. Only 3 knobs were put back on it after I painted...and it actually fell over on Isaiah one day shortly after we moved in...yikes!
The new dresser - BEAUTIFUL!

The old dresser - a VERY old dresser of my parents that I painted white. The drawers would hardly open, and once they were open, they wouldn't hardly shut. Only 3 knobs were put back on it after I painted...and it actually fell over on Isaiah one day shortly after we moved in...yikes!
what's your favorite?
Last weekend we went to my sister's house to celebrate her birthday -- Happy Birthday Nichole! My dad was the official camera man and I don't have pictures from him to share yet...
Anyway, her house is just about 2 hours away. We didn't leave to come home until around 6pm and we didn't want Isaiah to fall asleep in the car - we knew there was no way we'd get him to bed if he slept that late in the evening. So to keep him up, I asked him lots of "what's your favorite" questions...I wrote all his answers down so I could share them on my blog and put them in his baby book...and what do you know, the list is missing.
So, tonight, I asked Isaiah some more "what's your favorite" questions ... funny thing is, a lot of his answers are the same (as far as I can remember) and a lot of them were different too.
Here goes...
What's your favorite...
Anyway, her house is just about 2 hours away. We didn't leave to come home until around 6pm and we didn't want Isaiah to fall asleep in the car - we knew there was no way we'd get him to bed if he slept that late in the evening. So to keep him up, I asked him lots of "what's your favorite" questions...I wrote all his answers down so I could share them on my blog and put them in his baby book...and what do you know, the list is missing.
So, tonight, I asked Isaiah some more "what's your favorite" questions ... funny thing is, a lot of his answers are the same (as far as I can remember) and a lot of them were different too.
Here goes...
What's your favorite...
- color - blue (WHAT?! he ALWAYS, I mean A-L-W-A-Y-S says orange. so I asked him again a few questions later and he said orange--he likes orange so much that whenever picking out a Popsicle or vitamin or anything with a color choice he picks orange hands down)
- song - Jesus Loves Me
- food - Macaroni and Cheese (no surprise there, it's been his favorite for a long, long time)
- fruit - strawberries
- cartoon character - Grapey Guy, Who's that? I asked him, "that means my name." he said. (I totally expected him to say Spiderman)
- Toy - Jack-o-latern (what?! we don't have any toy jack-o-lanterns or even pumpkins or anything like that!)
- Book - Curious George and the Fire Trucks (we've never even read this book! He's totally in a Curious George phase - we read at least 5 Curious George books a day-we own 3 and usually check out 3 more from the library. Curious George and the Fire Trucks (actually and the Firefighters) is pictured on the back of one of the ones we own, but we've never actually read it before, haha.)
- Shape - Apple Shape
- Dinosaur - "The King One, the Tyrannosaurus Rex"
- Thing to do outside - Ride trikes and race
- Place to go - the mall. "What do you like to do at the mall?" I asked him, "Play at the playland." He requests to go to the mall AT LEAST once per week.
- Animal - giraffe (same as in the car)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Rhea!
Our little friend Rhea turned 3 last week and we had lots of fun celebrating with her at her birthday party!
Rhea and Isaiah have been buddies since they were tiny, newborn babies! Rhea's mommy, Amy, is a friend of mine from work. We've gotten Rhea and Isaiah together every few months or so (sometimes much longer, and sometimes much more often), since they were born. They always have lots of fun playing together.
Both Isaiah and Levi had a great time at the party!
Birthday girl!
Look at all the kids!
Levi ate 2 pieces of pizza!
Rhea's cousin Neveah was being so friendly and motherly to Levi - watching out for him! :)
Thanks for the fun sunglasses Rhea!

Rhea and Isaiah have been buddies since they were tiny, newborn babies! Rhea's mommy, Amy, is a friend of mine from work. We've gotten Rhea and Isaiah together every few months or so (sometimes much longer, and sometimes much more often), since they were born. They always have lots of fun playing together.
Both Isaiah and Levi had a great time at the party!
Birthday girl!
Monday, October 5, 2009
some fun we've had the last couple weeks...
With the weather being colder and the days getting darker, it seems like we've had to be a little more creative in the last few weeks in ways to have fun! Luckily for me, my kids and Jayda and Jonah are good helpers with this!
One of the funniest things we have been doing around here is using the hamper as a toy. Isaiah likes to "hide" in it. Often times he will disappear and I will find him hiding in it waiting for me to find him! :) He's also used it as his kitchen to make me lunch. He likes to get in it and ask me, "what do you want for lunch mommy?" Our dinosaurs also like to ROAR at him in it, that's Levi's favorite part -- check out the second picture below. Oh what fun we can have with things that aren't toys -- it seems like more fun than we have with actual toys!
If you need a good laugh, or something fun to do - come on over and have some fun with us! :) We'd love the company!
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