My Grandma Irene, my dad's mom, turned 90 this week! We had a birthday celebration for her today. These family events are getting harder and harder with two busy boys, but it was great to see family and celebrate my grandma.
The party was at my cousin's in Dubuque. My cousin's home is BEAUTIFUL, but is in NO WAY child proof :) So the kids cannot be left for even one minute without someone watching! I'd hate for them to break anything!!
Much of the day was spent chasing someone up or down the stairs - they have two staircases going upstairs, Levi and Liahna loved going up and down them. Isaiah liked that he could peak through the stairs.

My cousin's daughters... Madison and Carolyn.

My Uncle Tom and Aunt Sheri made us a delicious Prime Rib (or so I heard, I'm not a fan of that style of meat.) THANK YOU!

My grandma and her kids.

Now with the spouses...
Little Liahna is growing up! She is now walking all over the place!! Big girl!

The kids had fun, and Isaiah was exhausted for the ride home. He fell asleep about 5 minutes after he got buckled in. We let him sleep for a half hour or so and then had a dance party in the car the rest of the way home. Thankfully Levi was able to get in a nap at the party (Thanks Dad for getting him to sleep!) so he was on his "regular" schedule.
What a nice Saturday.
Happy Birthday Grandma!
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