Sometimes getting ready for bed can be a bit of a challenge at our house. We might hear: "I'm not tired" or "I'm not ready to go to bed yet" or "I just want to wear this (meaning his clothes) to bed tonight." Usually I can predict if it is going to be one of those nights and try to come up with a way to avoid the fight.
A week or so ago we were about to have one of these nights when I suggested to Isaiah that he and Levi should be twins tonight in their Mickey jammies. He thought this sounded like fun (thank goodness!) and we had a twin party! They were so cute! I actually let them play a little later than usual just because I was enjoying them look so sweet.


I bought the glider rocker chair below before Isaiah was born. I spent countless hours in the middle of the night rocking and feeding Isaiah in Isaiah's room at our old house in this chair. I also used it as a place to take lots of pictures of Isaiah when he was a little baby. We now have the chair in Levi's room, and it gets used right before bed for Levi and daddy (or mommy) to read stories with him. We rarely spend time in Levi's room playing - so when Isaiah sat in that chair it brought back a lot of memories.

2 months.....................4 months

6 months.....................8 months

10 months....................13 months

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