My friend Andrea invited the boys and I to meet her and her daughter at the pool in Grundy Center. I was so excited because I've been wanting to take them to the pool, but haven't been brave enough to take them by myself - especially to the crowded pool in town.
So off we went on Tuesday afternoon. The weather was PERFECT for the pool - hot and sunny! It took us about 30 minutes to get there and the boys were so excited they hardly noticed! When we got to the pool they could hardly contain themselves -- especially Isaiah who just walked right in, past the counter, and to the pool! :)
As expected, they both LOVED every minute of it! (except the lifeguard break where they made everyone get out of the pool. Levi screamed the entire break because he was mad we weren't in the water.)

What a great pool! They had so much for kids of all sizes to do! I was impressed!

When I asked Isaiah on the way home what his favorite part of the pool was he answered, "the turtle slide." Both boys went down this slide tons of times! It took Levi a few times to be willing to do it on his own, but by the time we left he was a pro!

My favorite part of the pool was the bright lines that were painted on the bottom of the pool all throughout the different sections. I was able to see how far the kids should go before it was too deep for them!

Levi is such a little swimmer. I didn't get a very good picture of him "swimming" but he would lay down on his tummy and use his arms to go backwards all the while saying, "look Mama I'm swimming" :) (by the way, I don't normally have him swim in a tank top - he just refused to take it off before we got in the water and I decided that it wasn't worth a battle to get him to take it off! besides, it was good sun protection - I'm still looking to find him a swimming shirt like Isaiah has.)

Ava was a little more timid about getting in the water. But she eventually warmed up to it and enjoyed sitting in the water and splashing. I caught her laughing several times while she watched the other kids playing.

The kids really weren't ready to leave the pool, but it was getting late and they were getting really tired. So we convinced them to go to the park across the street to have a picnic (good thinking Andrea to plan this ahead of time!!). And no, I'm not advertising for my work place, doesn't it look like it the way my water bottle is sitting!

Tired little Levi, by the last part of our picnic he was walking around the park like this:

Surprisingly both boys made it home without falling asleep. Isaiah did the same thing he did when
we went to Adventureland, he kept saying, "I didn't want to go to the pool that far away." and "It's too far until we get home." Silly boy.
What a great afternoon! Thanks Andrea and Ava! Can't wait to do it again!!
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