We love Adventureland. It's such a fun place to go. When we found out that Memorial Day weekend was military weekend at Adventureland, we decided to go! (Thank you Adventureland for honoring the past and present soldiers!) We invited our friends Shannon, Dan and Anna to meet us there, and they did (they live in Newton, about 20 minutes from Adventureland)! We also decided to leave Levi with grandma so that we could take Isaiah on a special mommy and daddy trip. (Thank you mom!!)
We had a GREAT time!! The weather was absolutely PERFECT (low 80s and not humid!). We couldn't have asked for a better day.
Isaiah and Anna had so much fun, and so much fun together! They got to do so many things...

Mark and I took turns riding different rides with him...

We each packed a picnic lunch and enjoyed it under some shade trees right outside the park near the train track. We got to watch the trains go by and wave while we ate.

After lunch, we left the strollers at the car and road the skyline towards the waterpark within Adventureland! Shannon and I sat together nervous as ever while the daddy's rode with the little ones. If you aren't familiar with this ride it is basically like a ski lift with just a bar over your lap very loosely. You "fly" over the park and it would be VERY bad if you fell out. I think the kids were a bit nervous too because they seemed to sit VERY still. Look close at the picture of Isaiah and Mark, Isaiah has his little arm around Mark. I love it.

The kids had a lot of fun at the waterpark. I thought it was a bit dangerous. It's pretty much a huge jungle gym with water spraying everywhere on painted cement. But we let the kids play for about a half hour, they went down the same slide about 50 times and did a few other things and then we were off...

Isaiah and Anna were so cute. Several times throughout the day they were doing this...

One of the last rides we had time for, Shannon took the little ones on the hot air balloons, I love this picture.

One of the first things Isaiah remembered when we walked into the park was the train station (which is a candy shop). He mentioned many times throughout the day that he wanted to go to the train station. So of course we did -- we rode the train and then stopped at the train station as we were getting ready to leave. We let Isaiah pick whatever he wanted and I think Anna got to pick whatever she wanted too.

Thanks Shannon, Dan and Anna for meeting us! We had a great day with you!!

Bye Anna - can't wait to see you again!

Isaiah had fun for the first 15 minutes on the way home. He ate about 3 bites of his lollypop and then whined all the way home saying, "I didn't want to go to Adventureland." He was saying this because he didn't want to be driving in the car anymore. He was SO tired. He refused to rest or sleep on the way home, so it was a long 2 hours! But SOOOO worth it with the fun we had that day.

I can't wait to do it again next year!! Hooray for Adventureland!
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