As crazy as all of our summer schedules are, my family, my sister's family and my parents all managed to get a week off to vacation in Clear Lake! We rented a little cabin from
Clear Lake Cottages and all stayed together - it was fun - but we all agreed next time we need more room!
We left last Saturday morning and caravan'd up to our cabin, unpacked and then hit the beach! We knew the weather forecast for the week was rainy and cold (upper 60s to mid 70s), so we took advantage of any sun we could get! It was a bit of a challenge to get our daily schedules to line up - we had a 9 month old, a 12 month old and a 35 month old - so between feedings, nap times, and cranky times, we really had to go with the flow. We spent lots of time just hanging out together.
Cousins playing.

Isaiah loved jumping on the beds and the twin air matress he got to sleep on - a big change from at home! We don't jump on the beds at our house! I guess we just figured we were on vacation so he could?

The first trip to the beach.

We were just a block away from the city beach and park. It had a fun little splash pad for the kids to run and play in. The water was really cold!! but it sure didn't phase the kids! Isaiah was a little timid at first, but after several times playing in it, he loved running right on through it!

Levi got jealous one morning when he woke up to find his daddy holding another daddy held both!

The cabin had a big chest in the living room that reminded someone of the Mario Brothers, so I had to take a picture of Isaiah next to the chest when he wore his Mario jammys.

We spent a lot of time hanging out in the front of the house while the boys rode their outside toys.

Grandpa taught Isaiah how to whistle with a piece of grass.

At the beach again...making a sandcastle

Levi really wasn't so sure about the water - here he is getting a little more brave!

Aunt Nikki taught Isaiah hopscotch.

We rented a boat one day! It was so much fun! Both boys loved it at first - Levi got tired of it quickly and eventually fell asleep, while Isaiah just looked around and ate three little bags of chips -- ha ha. At that point, it was really whatever made him happy - that's what vacation is all about, right? (This one I've already had to deal with - Isaiah had a fit this morning when I told him no Cheetos for breakfast! Oh well.) Thanks Tara, Chrissy and Abby for loaning me your life jackets!

Look closely at this one -- you'll see that this is ME AND ISAIAH tubing behind the boat!! Isaiah was having so much fun until the tube got covered in water and we fell off (I think we may not have been heavy enough for such a huge tube?). We asked Isaiah if he wanted to try it again and he said, "no." but he says he did have fun on it!

More beach fun. Levi LOVED being in the water in his little floaty. He hung out in one for over an hour one day...and a long time the next day. Just content as could be. Liahna on the other hand only spent a few minutes in hers. :) Thanks Chrissy for letting me use your floaties!

Cute little Liahna.

Mark, my dad and Jay went golfing one day and took Isaiah with them! They seemed to have a good time and Isaiah was a good boy for all 18 holes!! I think we were all pretty impressed! The game plan was for me to go pick up Isaiah when he started getting restless, but I didn't have to go get him! He really does love sports!

We also went to this local attraction called
Fort Custer Maze. It might have been fun on a sunny day with no kids -- but the minute we pulled in, it started to sprinkle and quickly turned to pouring rain. The maze was all rocks, so we had to carry the babies (strollers wouldn't roll on the rock)....and it quickly got boring for the almost 3 year old... so needless to say, it wasn't the most fun part of the trip -- BUT the dad's of the group did complete the entire thing (while the girls bowed out to care for the kids) and Isaiah and Levi had fun in the jumpy thing and the tepee.

The boys had a fun time playing in the bathtub at the cabin. They love it at home too!! Isaiah was in the bath so long that the hot water ran out completely! The tub's plug didn't really work so we ran the water pretty much the entire time they were in it! :) Good thing we didn't have to pay the water bill!

And this is what happened right after Part I of the really long bath... so they both got in and played some more.

We did end up leaving early - on Thursday instead of Saturday morning - the weather was cold and rainy and I somehow managed to get a horrible cough while we were there. My sister's family had to leave to get home for a work event and to celebrate Jay's birthday in peace...and my mom had to leave to work on Friday, so we just all left Thursday. It was a good thing too because I came home and went to the doctor to find that I have bronchitis and an fluid in both ears! YUCK.
All in all we had a great time, but as Dorothy says,
"There's no place like home."PS -- Sorry this is so long, but I decided to post lots of pictures rather than trying to figure out which ones I should post and which to leave out! :) Hopefully you made it through the entire story! If not, oh well... "No Biggie" as Isaiah and Jayda say. By the way - I can't wait to see Jayda (and Jonah) on Tuesday! It's been way too long - over 2 weeks!