Since July 4, he has not been back in a diaper for awake hours. He was in a diaper for 4 or 5 days during naps, but then told me one nap time that he doesn't need a diaper and he will stay dry -- and for the most part he has. I think there has been one or two nap times since July 4 that he's wet the bed. He stayed in diapers for a week or so over night and then told me he didn't need a diaper for bed either - that he'd stay dry... and there have been maybe a handful of nights that he's wet the bed. So WOW did he do amazing! I can officially say he is totally potty trained! I am so proud of him!
And for everyone who told me to just wait it out and let him decide when he was ready - you were right!!
It was definitely great to go buy diapers the other day and only need to buy ONE box! It's been a YEAR since that's been the case!
But, of course, things haven't been without a funny story here and there, Mark and my mom were around to witness one funny incident and they both agree it must be shared!
The other day my mom was over giving Levi his new blanket (see my next post) so Mark, Mom, Levi and I were all inside with Isaiah. He got bored of the blanket talk and went outside to play. This is normal - he will often go outside and ride his tractor or find some bugs to look at while we are doing something else. I always check on him every few minutes, but trust him enough to let him play on his own.
So he was outside, and I peaked at him and could hear him talking to himself (or maybe to a bug -- or maybe even his newest friend, Tootie-his imaginary friend-I'll post more on him later too). I walked closer so I could see him and this is what I saw:
I asked him, "did you go potty outside?" he said, "yes." I told him that was very good that he didn't go in his underwear, but we have to go in the potty. Mark also encouraged him for not going in his underwear. (There have been a few times that Isaiah has known that he has to go potty but is having too much fun doing whatever he is doing and not want to take the time to step away and go). So we both knew it was a good step that he had realized he had to go and took the time to do it.
Then Isaiah says, "there's something in my box." That's also not an unusual thing - he sometimes finds things to put in other things - remember he is a little boy:) So I said, "Okay, let's see what's in your box." He says, "There's something yucky in my box." "Okay...."
And can you guess what the yucky thing in his box was? yeah, you're right - his poopy!
"There's something yucky in my box."
I'm sure there will be many more funny potty stories along the way with our little wild one Isaiah.
1 comment:
That is so funny! From now on, I will not be looking in any boxes that Isaiah has been playing with! Good thing you are learning all these lessons with Isaiah so that I can be more prepared for Liahna. Thanks Sis!
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