It was just one year ago today that my life changed forever...
One year ago today my beautiful Levi James was born.
How thankful I am for this day, one year ago. And how much more thankful I am for today, that my little boy is happy, healthy and one of the best parts of my life.
Happy Birthday Levi James.
The above is the start to my entry that I was going to post this morning...but I didn't get it finished, so now I'm back and I'll share the events of Levi's happy birthday!
Levi wanted to share every bit of his birthday with me today - so he woke up around 12:15am to say that he wanted to cuddle in bed with me. So, of course I let him, because it is his birthday... so he came in to bed with me for a couple hours, went back to his bed so I could sleep a little longer...and then came back to visit me around 6. We slept another hour or so together and then got up for breakfast -- Levi's new favorite is nutrigrain bars.

We played a little while longer, and Levi was ready for a nap... in his favorite spot-mommy and daddy's bed. He likes to lay down with a binky and the blanket pulled up high.

After naps it was time to get Levi's first birthday pictures taken. So off to the mall we went... the pictures turned out pretty good. Since we were there, we decided to go play at the playland.

The boys both had a really fun time! Too bad we only had 45 minutes to play--but we had to get home to each lunch and take naps before the PARTY!
Now that Levi's a year old, it is okay for us to turn his seat front facing--we've been ready to do this for awhile! He was getting pretty cramped with the seat rear facing--his legs running into the seat. So in the mall parking lot before we went home, Mark turned his seat around.

Levi has been a picky eater these last few days or so--he really wants nothing to eat but grapes or noodles. So we picked up Zio Johno's on the way home.

After lunch, the boys slept - it took a lot of work to get Levi to sleep...he must have been too excited that it was his birthday! :) So finally daddy rocked with him and he fell asleep. I'm so glad he did so he was happy at his big birthday bash!
We rented a shelter at a park right down the street from our house... we got lucky that the weather was dry! It was very hot, but otherwise it was the perfect spot!

We had lots of family and friends come to celebrate! Including lots of little ones.

Levi received lots and lots of nice gifts! wow-thank you everyone!

Although they were all wonderful - I have to point out an extra special handmade gift that Laura made especially for Levi. It is BEAUTIFUL Laura!! And somehow she managed to find the time to make it in the middle of moving!!

What's going on here anyway?

Mark grilled hot dogs, and we had veggies and grapes to go along with...

and of course cake!

Levi waiting for us to get everyone rounded up...patient little boy.

Levi trying to grab the cake as we were singing Happy Birthday.

He had never had cake before - he'd had the opportunity a few times, but I've always said...not until your birthday...so he got his own little cake and he ate pretty much the entire thing!

Isaiah had lots of fun playing too... Thank you to everyone who took care of him -- I hardly had a clue what he was doing, but I wasn't worried because I knew someone was looking after him! (I think!!:)

One special thank you to my dad for video taping the entire party! Thanks! :)

Needless to say, after the party we came home and took a bath! Got our jammy's on and played downstairs for a little while and danced to the Go Fish Guys. Levi loves music and loves to dance! :)
Then Levi got to look at his presents one more time before it was off to bed. Thank you everyone for the great gifts!!

What a special day...I can't believe it's here and gone already!
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