And what a happy birthday it was!
Mark was so wonderful and got up with the boys when they were up for the day so I could stay in bed until after 8am! Which that in itself was a wonderful treat (I won't mention the fact that I was up from 230-430 with Levi -- Silly baby:)! Mark had class this morning, so shortly before he had to leave, he brought the boys in to sing "happy birthday" to me to get me out of bed. They had each made me a birthday card...

Then they gave me my present -- a Mother's Ring!! Something I've really wanted since Isaiah was born!!
Mark headed off to class, and the boys and I headed out to enjoy the beautiful weather! We went on a LONG walk through the beautiful streets of our neighborhood and after an hour or so somehow we ended up at the park, how did that happen?? :)

We spent another hour or more playing at the park having a perfect time. I love how the two boys are really starting to play together and enjoy each other! The park is a perfect place for them to do this!

We spent the first half an hour swinging...Isaiah and Levi both love underdogs. Here's a short video of me giving them underdogs - this was the very end so there aren't nearly as many giggles...
Levi LOVES to ride on the horsey merry-go-round. He even sits on it all by himself and goes round and round!

Isaiah and his favorite slide of all time...

After the park, we came home to Mark making me a special birthday lunch and cake--YUMMY!

After lunch both boys took a good nap! Thank goodness - Isaiah's been a stinker not wanting to nap lately, which would be fine, but then come 4:30 he is just completely C-R-A-N-K-Y for the rest of the night. Then off to the library we went. Isaiah had fun putting on a puppet show.

We had a little time before it was time to drop the kids off, so we tried to go to the petting zoo, but they are closed on we looked at the donkeys, ponies and sheep from the outside. Why haven't I taken the kids there more this summer? What a great place!

Laura asked to watch my kids for my birthday dinner so Mark and I could have some time to celebrate together -- THANK YOU LAURA!! We dropped them off and headed to the Olive Garden for the never ending pasta bowls...they were delicious! Duh, I forgot to take a picture.
Then my parents came over to celebrate. My mom has made me a special cake for every single birthday... Can you guess what she made this year? (Sorry it is sideways!)

It's a tomato!! Because I LOVE tomatoes! We had a rough time getting the kids to bed, so my parents went home so we could get them to sleep...and then came back over 45 minutes later to share my cake with me! :) The perks of living 1/2 mile away from each other...
So as you can tell... I had a WONDERFUL day! I love birthdays.
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