Our small group passed out free lunches at the bus station again this year for Love Cedar Valley. What a neat way to share God's love with the community. 
Its a neat way to get the kids involved too as they can easily hold up the "free lunch" signs and pass out the lunches to anyone who comes by.
Because we were a little short on help this year we only did 150 lunches (I think) which still is a lot of free food! Everyone who collects the lunches always seems to be so grateful and I'm sure it is a big help to some who struggle to find their next meal (so sad!). Another group happened to walk by handing out free flowers and gave one to Isaiah. He thought it was pretty cool.
Titus wasn't exactly thrilled with his position of being trapped in the stroller. Unfortunately Mark was unable to attend this year so I had to make sure all 3 boys were safe and this was the easiest way for me to have my eye on him. He did cheer up when he got to help hold the sign or eat a cookie :)
Here is a picture of our group from the day. Brian, Mindy Lilian and Aaron, Chad, Erica, Caleb and Elise and me and the boys.
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