Isaiah was all ready to get in the bath and he said, "Levi come too." I thought, "Why not?"
and put both boys in the tub together--their first bath together! And boy did they BOTH have lots of fun!! Levi wouldn't stop grinning at Isaiah and Isaiah was having so much fun playing with Levi and putting the wash cloth on him. It was the cutest thing!! In the middle of the bath Isaiah looked like he was going to go potty so I asked him, "Isaiah do you have to go potty?" Instead of his usually "no" even when he does, he just looked at me and said, "yeah." (hooray we may be getting somewhere!!?!) I told him he needed to get out and go in the big potty or get out and we needed to put a diaper on him so he could go. I explained that if he went in the tub that our bath time would have to be over. So he decided to get out and go on the potty...and guess what!! he went pee on the little potty!! This is the first time he has ever gone pee on the potty! I was so proud of him and let him know it! And he got to get back in the tub and continue playing with his littler brother! What a big boy!
Look at those chubby arms!

A little crowded don't you think? They sure didn't care!

Smiling at each other...they are already buddies!

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