Mark's birthday was on January 21...and we had LOTS of fun!
The morning started with Isaiah and Daddy making pancakes. (well, really it started with Mark's 6:30 a.m. PT for ROTC and 8 o'clock class).

and Levi and I just hung out...isn't he getting so big and sweet? He's sitting up by himself in this picture!!

Then we headed to Chuck E Cheese's (or Chuck E Cheese's House as Isaiah called it!) to have some fun! I'm not sure who had more, Isaiah or Daddy... (I'm sure it wasn't Levi -- because he slept for all but 5 minutes of the fun!)

The Birthday Boy.

the picture that the ride takes ... not too bad!

Daddy and Isaiah playing their favorite game--basketball!

Isaiah's new way to play skee-ball.
After the games it was time for lunch...we headed to the mall to Hu Hot and Uncle Matthew met us there to join the party!

Uncle Matthew and Mark standing in line while their food is cooked.
Next we headed home for nap time (and presents and (more) cake!) Right away we put Isaiah to sleep so he could get a good nap in and we went upstairs to play Mario Kart...When Isaiah woke up it was time for cake!!

and then presents...

Matthew made Mark this really soft and warm Hawkeye blanket!

Isaiah and Levi gave him a few new grilling tools to go along with his new grill he got for Christmas...

and I gave him this fun pull-up bar!
We hung out a little while longer...and then Morgan, our neighbor, came over to watch the boys while we went to Mark's basketball game...and out for a little more celebrating...

Mark plays on my work's basketball team...they always have a good time... my mom and dad came to watch the game and cheer him on!
Then Mark, Matthew, my dad and I headed out to have a little fun at the casino... unfortunately we came out $5 behind when we left...but my dad won $30! So all in all it was a lot of fun...
What an eventful birthday!! But a great way to celebrate!
Happy Birthday Honey!
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