When I had Isaiah we went to the breastfeeding support group at Allen Hospital almost every week for several months. Each time we went several of the same new mommies were there each time too. After many of us went back to work, we weren't able to go to the group each week anymore so we decided to stay in touch on our own time... We've gotten together several times since our little ones (who are all now 2+ years old!) were born. In fact, several of us, like me, have a second baby already! We had a play date party on Friday morning, I think we all had a blast...we all made it through without too much whining or crying, but lots of happy talking, laughing and playing!

Levi grinning through his binky

We should have taken the group pictures a little sooner...this was at the very end when all the little ones were just about ready for nap time...but oh well...it makes it that much cuter, right?
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