Day One
We left around 12:30 on Friday afternoon in hopes that Isaiah would take his nap in the car on the way to Des Moines. That way he'd be rested and happy when we got there...well, as things go with little ones, it didn't happen the way we planned. About 20 minutes from our hotel is when he fell asleep! But that was okay, we got to the hotel, Mark checked us in, and we sat in the car a little while so that Isaiah could get a full hour's nap (which is much less than normal, but better than nothing!).
When we woke him up, he was happy to finally be on our "trip" (as he kept calling it) and was ready to go SWIMMING!! He has been asking to go swimming for several weeks now so we were very excited that he got to this weekend! When Mark worked regularly at the YMCA, I took him often when Mark worked, but we haven't been there in a couple months, so this was great!
I was also excited because this was Levi's first time to go swimming ever!
The water was a bit cold, but we got used to it and had a GREAT time. There was also a hot tub, and of course Isaiah was we let him sit in it with us for a little while...he seemed to like it better than the "big one."
Levi enjoyed the water (as I thought he would since he loves his baths!) and daddy had a good time carrying him around and playing with him in it!

Isaiah in the hot tub--he kept saying, "no bubbles" and pushing the bubbles away from him--he does NOT like bubbles!!
After swimming we got ready to out for dinner... after dinner we were heading to a friend of Mark's from the army...we had no idea of where anything was so we decided to put his address in our GPS and find something to eat on the way...apparently there aren't many restaurants near his friends house. We ended up stopping at one of the only ones we found...and I laughed through the entire meal because I thought it was the funniest, most bizarre place...why? well...
They gave Isaiah a small GLASS glass to drink out of...I'm pretty sure it was from the bar. (that he of course ended up spilling all over)

And we got to eat our dinner with...

and we got to pay by...

But the food was good...and we all left FULL. So it worked out just fine.
Then we headed to Sego's house...where Isaiah had lots of fun playing with his kids' toys...his favorite was the very loud sponge bob recorder (whistle).
What a fun day...
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