Sunday, February 17, 2013


Somewhere in December Levi found a puzzle and sat down and did it himself.  I was pretty impressed and realized that I really hadn't gotten any puzzles out for him to do.  Isaiah was never interested in putting puzzles together and would always say no if I asked if he wanted to get them out.  I guess I forgot about them until Levi found them.  He does frequently get puzzles out now and loves to put them together, but almost always requests my help.  If I just sit by him he will usually put the puzzle together all by himself.  Now that Levi has gotten more into puzzles, Isaiah has decided he does like them a little bit so every now and then Isaiah will join in and do a puzzle with us.  It's always fun to notice the differences in interests in my boys.  
And by the way - note that Levi is in just shorts - this is how he is almost always dressed at home - it's either this or footie pajamas :)  Gotta love Levi.

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