Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cake Auction

I'm pretty sure I haven't written about Cub Scouts yet, but I've been planning to do a summary post about it some time, but this one deserves a post of it's own.  In October Isaiah's Cub Scout pack has an annual cake auction to help earn money for the program.  Each scout (if they choose) is to make a cake all on their own (with adult supervision) that they bring to the auction to sell.  There were a handful of themes to choose from and there would be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner for each category.  After a lot of thought, Isaiah decided he wanted to make a Tiger (as he's a tiger scout, aka first grade cub scout).  So the day before the auction he got busy! 
Mixing up the batter.
 Making the frosting just the right color.
 Cutting out the ears and laying it out. 
Frosting the cake.
 All done!  
He was so proud to bring his cake the next day - I was so proud of him too! 
 Each boy got to go up front with their cake as the auctioneer took the bids (guy in the blue).  Isaiah's cake sold to Mark for $30 (or $35 I can't remember!).  
 His cake was judged by 3 judges and voted SECOND PLACE in the animal category.  

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