Friday, June 10, 2011

Last day of preschool - for the year anyway.

Friday May 27 was Isaiah's last day of preschool - for this year.  He was in the 4/5 year old 3 morning a week class, but will attend the same school 5 afternoons next year.  I'm definitely happy with our decision!  I think he could be ready to go to kindergarten this fall, but we want to give him every advantage he can have so are excited for him to learn and grow one more year as a preschooler!

He was being silly before school - this was the best I could get. :)
 For the last day of school, the student's families got to come spend the day at school.  Here they are doing the calendar time - it was so cute listening to them sing about the weather.
 Then they headed to the sanctuary to put on a little show for us.  They sang a cute song and then played a nice video with lots of pictures from the year.  Mrs. Knapp told the kids whenever they are missing their preschool friends to play the video this summer - we've already watched it several times!
 Then each student got to come up and get their award certificate for completing their year at preschool.  Lots of tears were shed by the teachers as they said their goodbyes.  
 Isaiah was excited about his certificate and his copy of the DVD.
 What a sweet picture of Isaiah and his buddy Caiden with their teachers. 
Isaiah does miss his preschool, but I think he enjoys the extra time at home too.  I'm sure he'll be excited and ready to start back up the end of August!  I'll keep you posted!

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