Sunday, July 22, 2012

sweet mornings.

 Over the past several years we've developed a regular morning routine.  I'm so thankful that either Mark or I have been home with the boys in the mornings since the day Levi was born and we haven't had to rush to get ourselves and the kids ready to go to work or a sitter....Usually Levi will wake up first and come in and say, "I want you to come out" to me at about 7am.  I (or sometimes Mark) will drag myself out of bed and turn on a TV show to give us just another 20 minutes to wake up for the day.  Within a few minutes things usually look like this...
I love the family snuggle time, even if it does mean we are plopped down in front of the TV.  
I have a feeling this routine may be changing soon when we have kindergarten to get ready for!  AHHH! :)

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